Good Zinsco Replacements

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I've even seen another company subsidize the upgrade costs to keep the solar business, because they had a policy. I couldn't believe the amount of money they were throwing away.

I do not run a nonprofit organization. Sounds like poor business practices from that company. If the customer can afford the solar, then they probably can afford a panel upgrade.
No, I don't believe they are being intentionally vague- the NEC is pretty clear about obc afci's on existing wiring/device replacements.

210.12(a)(4) deals with new installations- why would you not be able to always do afci breakers on new installations?

I suspect its just something that standards for which were never developed- only one of the code gurus can give answers about the why/why not.:)

I'll take your word- but at the risk of coming across as a dullard the 2014 version of 210.12 confuses the day lights out of me. :lol:
I do not run a nonprofit organization. Sounds like poor business practices from that company. If the customer can afford the solar, then they probably can afford a panel upgrade.

Not when their getting a financed lease. But for sure it's poor business practice. It has to be paid for somehow.
It is a bit obscure because a standard breaker is a listed overcurrent protective device. However, why do we think after all the discussion about protecting the the wire at the source that they would allow an afci receptacle and not protect the wiring ahead of it.... One would have to assume the 2 units would have to work together. I admit I had trouble with the wording originally also.
I have trouble with wording of any sentence that also has AFCI in it:D
Unique Breaker (UTI) aka Connecticut Electric, sold at Home Depot, Amazon, many breaker rebuilders. Better quality. I have seen some pristine Zinsco, Zinsco Sylvania, Challenger, ect "Zinsco" type panels. Some electricians think this is their bread and butter, call it obsolete, and want to replace it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Unique Breaker (UTI) aka Connecticut Electric, sold at Home Depot, Amazon, many breaker rebuilders. Better quality. I have seen some pristine Zinsco, Zinsco Sylvania, Challenger, ect "Zinsco" type panels. Some electricians think this is their bread and butter, call it obsolete, and want to replace it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Hi Mike,

If the buss is deteriorated and the breakers are 50 years old then they need to be replaced. The other posts on this thread will lead one to believe that the new breakers and busses are of poor quality. Is there any evidence that the new breakers are of high quality? Are the new busses copper or aluminum?

Thank you.
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