Grease for bulb bases

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That said I am not sure about the wisdom of using nose grease based lubricants in electrical sockets.;):grin:

OK Dan, I'm starting to understand more about how it is.:D

If you say something is not safe then it's not safe.

If you say something is safe then it's safe.

I will remember not to question things in the future. :roll:
OK Dan, I'm starting to understand more about how it is.:D

If you say something is not safe then it's not safe.

If you say something is safe then it's safe.

I will remember not to question things in the future. :roll:

Thanks, questioning things.....that's dangerous:roll::wink::grin:

The only reason why I through Vaseline up there is....when I first got in the trade my journeyman at the time told me to lube about 40 light bulb sockets.....I thought it was weird at the time, and still kind of do. As far as it being safe, I can only offer an opinion. I think if it is used excessively it is dangerous, but what do I know.....some say its okay some don't. Personally I'd probably get something like this
The same is true for silicone based products, some say good and some say bad.
about my nose grease trick. it sounds pretty stupid but i was told that by somebody that supposedly knows more than i do

I haven't heard of it till now.....people do some pretty creative stuff though. You would be screwed if you were in the desert and it was your turn to supply the product...yor face might be too dry, and you'd get fired:grin:
I haven't heard of it till now.....people do some pretty creative stuff though. You would be screwed if you were in the desert and it was your turn to supply the product...yor face might be too dry, and you'd get fired:grin:

i dont think the desert would have a problem with bulb bases being tough to remove. i see a lot of bad sockets around here since its near the ocean
ok guys this might sound really weird but i learned a trick for this.

its called nose grease. rub the bulb base in the spot between your nostril and your face. that oil will lube up the bulb and be fine

somebody told me this and thought they were kidding

After you finished applying "Nose Grease" to those lamps,did you ever
find that wire stretcher? :D
The only reason why I through Vaseline up there is....when I first got in the trade my journeyman at the time told me to lube about 40 light bulb sockets
That's what I was taught as well. Have done it for many years, and still do for "crunchy" sounding or sticky sockets. Not a glob, but just enough to moisten your finger and wipe around the base...finger is almost dry by the time you turn the bulb 360 degrees so it takes a couple of trips around the base to spread the Vaseline.
ok guys this might sound really weird but i learned a trick for this.

its called nose grease. rub the bulb base in the spot between your nostril and your face. that oil will lube up the bulb and be fine

somebody told me this and thought they were kidding

Your not crazy my grandfather taught me that when I had a 2 piece fishing pole that was hard to get apart. He took it and rubbed it in the crease of his nose and it worked well. I did it to my other poles and it worked well. I never forgot that and I have done it many times to bulbs. SOmetime I think people will see me and think I am crazy. Be careful if you hands are dirty or the socket is dirty you will get gray marks on your face.
Well I'll be , I actually knew about rubbing your nose and sticking that
finger in a glass of beer to reduce the foam. That tid-bit of information was
passed on to me by my grandfather. :D Crazy!!

I learned something new.
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