Where line to neutral loads are present, for example a delta-wye XFMR, the grounded conductor (must be white) carries unbalanced current from the panelboard to the XO whereas the SSBJ does not -its for bonding between Ground and Neutral busses (sometimes at the panel board or may go directly back to XFMR from the ground bus)
If no neutral loads are present (all 3 phase loads for example) the white conductor is still required - even if the XFMR is corner or center grounded from one winding.
The SSJB may in effect do the same thing as the grounded conductor but the code still wants to see a dedicated white conductor from the XFMR to service or panelboard neutral bar (Ref250.24.)
For branch circuits, containing current carrying neutral conductors such as lighting, receptacles etc, the EGC becomes the primary fault path since it contains the lowest path of impedance as explained in 250.134 Handbook.
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