interesting. the forms are pretty much the same here only ever known one person to go to court and it was over a roof issue and they won got new roof out of deal.
hee hee hee. It can be done but usually it requires the problem be really flagrant and the homeowner didn't check the box saying it had a problem. Usually "I don't know" gets them a free pass.
HI's already are organized and some states regulate them some even make them have a liability rate. soon they will be making inspections on commercial properties as well.
I'm opposed to regulation. They'll have the HI check for green compliance instead of problems. The rate will also jump through the roof.
I still think allowing other trades to get into running circuits, inspecting and recommending solutions is wrong.
As I said in an earlier post, the HI is supposed to be acting as an intelligent HO. This means surface inspections like GFCI test buttons, Receptacle testers, and noticing the service panel is falling off the wall. He has no qualification to crack the front panel, run wiring, or demand any electrical work to be done. He is supposed to
recommend actions to the buyer based on his practiced knowledge.
You mentioned a furnace in an earlier post. The HI statement should have been "The furnace shows excessive corrosion on the outside. I recommend you get a furnace repairman to look at it before you make a decision."
I will try my best in MN to stop the progression of other trades from opening up panels to install circuits and having unqualified inspectors from making recommendations. the best I can do I find it Ironic the double standard.
Yes to the first; No to the second.
A cursory look at the panel and breakers by opening the hinged door is fine. Removing the front panel is not acceptable. I'm sure some HIs would try but I haven't run into any yet. I would upset if my HI did remove the front plate.
I do expect my HI to make recommendations. Many will be things like "I found dead receptacles in these rooms, and there are signs of a roof leak in the master bedroom." In short, I expect the HI to inform me where he feels it is in my best interest to escalate the inspection.