You said you are waiting for other responses, well I don't agree with you.
I was looking more for opinions from other PE's bound by the ethics rules of their license.
If he works with a specific manufacturer then that manufacturer deserves to be a little higher on bid day.
That is great if you want to pay them, but in a bid scenario no one else will. Be sure to share that info with your customers.
It is no different than me working on budgets from the conception of the job and then having the end customer go out and get a lower bid on the 100% plans.
Unless you were hired onto the project in advance of a finished design or somehow guaranteed payment for your time I do not know how you can recoup your time. Most budgets I have seen were nothing more than cost per sq ft. In your scenario, again how I have seen it unfold, the EC provides the budget along the way of developing the project, but is always price checked by wasting the energy and efforts of three or more additional EC's to keep you honest.