17-13 Log #1983 NEC-P17 Final Action: Accept
Submitter: Noel Williams, Herriman, UT
Comment on Proposal No: 17-23
Recommendation: This Proposal should have been Rejected.
Substantiation: The proposal said it was only editorial in nature (?Edit?), but
it actually results in a significant and onerous change. This rule will require
the receptacle for a refrigerator to be located in a space other than behind the
refrigerator. Since a refrigerator in most existing installations and in common
practice usually has to be pulled out a bit to access its receptacle outlet, the
outlet is not readily accessible and another disconnect would be required.
Similarly, a receptacle for a dishwasher or range that is accessible by pulling
the appliance out from the wall would no longer qualify as a disconnect for
that appliance. No substantiation was provided for these drastic changes in the
requirements for appliance disconnects.
The substantiation is also incorrect in stating that a receptacle ?cannot be
? not accessible? (closed in by building finish)...?. This statement is based
on the definition of accessible as applied to wiring methods. Receptacles
are not ?wiring methods? and are not covered by Chapter 3, they are a type
of ?Equipment for General Use? covered by Chapter 4. The definition of
accessible that should be applied to receptacles is Accessible (as applied
to equipment): ?Admitting close approach; not guarded by locked doors,
elevation, or other effective means.?
Panel Meeting Action: Accept
Number Eligible to Vote: 14
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 13
Ballot Not Returned: 1 Gill, C.