Sorry Dave, but if you will read all of my posts (even in the archives) you will see that I do not rely on the forum for my views.
I do think you are progressing in your education though,
an electrical inspector/AHJ woking in his/her jurisdiction under the laws given them can
you have learned that they must have laws to enforce, not just their wants and wishes. :wink:
I also challenge you to answer the question I have asked of you, based on the statement that you made in this post.
can you please post the question directly so I can answer it.
If you are refereing to this
So how do I calculate that general lighting load branch circuit in a dwelling with all of the aforementioned receptacles on that one circuit???
220.12 Lighting Load for Specified Occupancies
A unit load of not less than that specified in Table 220.12 for occupancies specified therein shall constitute the minimum lighting load. The floor area for each floor shall be calculated from the outside dimensions of the building, dwelling unit, or other area involved. For dwelling units, the calculated floor area shall not include open porches, garages, or unused or unfinished spaces not adaptable for future use.
This would be 3va per sq ft and the number of receptacles have no bearing on any thing after that.
(J) Dwelling Occupancies In one-family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings and in guest rooms or guest suites of hotels and motels, the outlets specified in (J)(1), (J)(2), and (J)(3) are included in the general lighting load calculations of 220.12(1) A
. No additional load calculations shall be required for such outlets.
(1) All general-use receptacle outlets of 20-ampere rating or less, including receptacles connected to the circuits in 210.11(C)(3)
(2) The receptacle outlets specified in 210.52(E) and (G)
(3) The lighting outlets specified in 210.70(A) and (B)