You make a fair point. Doesn't change my position though... and I am willing to recognize anything substantial. The problem I have with this line of thought is that you are assuming "the difference is deliberate". And you still haven't pointed out anything which says the entirety of 250.32 don't apply. Bob (iwire) pointed out earlier just what specific relinquishments look like.
Additionally, you bring up 550.16. The general requirement ends with the statement, "Where the distribution panelboard is the service equipment as permitted by 550.32(B), the neutral conductors and the equipment grounding bus shall be connected." No mention of a grounding electrode system here, and we all know it is required where the distribution panelboard serves is the service equipment.
Ok just for clarity Ii am going to break this down in three sections
!. The service equipment (enclosure) No particular distance requirement but must be supplemented if greater then 30 ft,
2.The Disconnect (not required but allowed with in 30 ft
3.The manufactured home distribution panel.
so lets build this backwards
The feeder is required to connect the distribution panel to the service
So lets look at the service equipment
550.32 Service Equipment.
(A) Mobile Home Service Equipment. The mobile home service equipment shall be located adjacent to the mobile home and not mounted in or on the mobile home. The service equipment shall be located in sight from and not more than 9.0 m (30 ft) from the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves. The service equipment shall be permitted to be located elsewhere on the premises, provided that a disconnecting means suitable for use as service equipment is located within sight from and not more than 9.0 m (30 ft) from the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves and is rated not less than that required for service equipment per 550.32(C). Grounding at the disconnecting means shall be in accordance with 250.32.
Any thing special required
• Adjacent to not on
• With in 30 ft of the exterior wall
• Must be rated per 550,32(C)
Everyone agrees ground rod required
Can be further than 30 feet if a supplemental disconnect is installed 30 feet or less (not service equipment)
Must be suitable for service equipment
And a ground rod required not optional be cause of the reference to 250.32
Now back to the distribution panel in the mobile home
Does it have to be suitable for service equipment unless I am missing something it does not.
Are there any special requirements called out for the distribution panel?
Are there any references any where directly stating that the distribution panel is required to be connected to a grounding electrode
No there is not
Now look at the feeder between the disconnect panel and the service the reference to 250,32(B) tells us how the feeder must be connected. And to point that the neutral was be un-bonded
Remember the mandate for the grounding electrode was found in service equipment because this disconnect is optional not required to act in place of the service disconnect
Now look at the feeder from the service to the distribution panel in the mobile home the reference to 250.32(B) and again tells use how the feeder is to be connected and to point the neutral must be un bonded