The cruxt (sic) of our point is that removing the neutral is not a change of the circuit
Larry, I'm astounded that you would say that if you have a MWBC with two phases and a shared neutral, that removing the neutral is NOT a change of circuit. Removing the neutral creates a COMPLETELY different circuit.
No, we're not. We're saying that the voltage between the source N and the load N is non-existent as long as the load currents, and thus their respective voltage drops, are equal.
This is wrong, the "voltage between the source N and the load N is non-existant whether the load is balanced, unbalanced, or if you have a single branch circuit (again assuming and ideal circuit where the conductor impedances do not figure into the circuit.) Consider a single branch circuit with 120V from A-N and a 1200W resistive load in the circuit. The measured voltage from A-N is 120V, the measured voltage across the load will be 120V, the measured voltage from A-source to A-load will be 0, and the measured voltage from N-source to N-load will be zero. There is not a potential difference along the neutral which pushes the current along the neutral. In an unbalanced MWBC or a balanced MWBC there is still a measured voltage of 0 from N-source to N-load.
By the voltage drops across A and B being equal.
In your theory, no current flows down the neutral because the potential to push the current has disappeared. In your reasoning, this potential has disappeared "by the voltage drops across A and B being equal." Here is where you go wrong. Consider an unbalanced MWBC. Lets say at the source, we have 120V<0 from A-N and 120V<180 from B-N. On the A phase, we install a 1200W resistive load (12 Ohms) and 10 Amps flows from A, through the load, and returns over the neutral. On the B phase we install a 1000W resistive load (14.4 Ohms) and 8.33 Amps flows from B, through the load and returns over the shared neutral. The shared neutral see a current flow of 1.67 Amps.
Now lets look at the voltage drop across Loads A & B. Per Ohm's laws, the voltage drop across the loads will be V=IR. For load A, the voltage drop is 10Amps x 12 Ohms = a 120 Volt drop. For load B, the voltage drop is 8.33 Amps x 14.4 Ohms = a 120 Volt drop. The voltage drops across A and B ARE EQUAL, yet current flows through the neutral. Under your explanation, equal voltage drops across A & B will REMOVE the potential to return current along the neutral, but here we have current flowing on the neutral even when the voltage drops across A & B are equal.
I don't agree with that assessment. Earlier, we agreed that Ia + Ib = 0. I also agree that Ia = -Ib. I don't agree that the two are mutually exclusive. I believe that Ia + Ib = 0 applies whether the node has two or three paths.
Again, you are going wrong here also. In the 3 wire MWBC, KCL tells us that Ia + Ib + In = 0 (3 wires, 3 paths into the node.) If you remove the neutral to create a 2 wire circuit, KCL tells us that Ia + Ib = 0. The equation Ia + Ib = 0 CANNOT apply if the node has three paths. If the node has three paths, the KCL must have three terms. If the node had five paths, then KCL would have five terms (Ia +Ib + Ic + Id + Ie = 0.)
Lets return to the balanced MWBC with a 1200W load from A-N and a 1200W load from B-N. The voltage from A-N at the source is 120V<0 and from B-N is 120V<180. The current flowing through the load A is 10A<0 and the current flowing through load B is 10A<180. From KCL, the current flowing "out" of the common node along the neutral will be In=Ia + Ib, or In = 10A<0 + 10A<180.
Consider, more fundamentally, that the current flowing in this 60Hz Alternating Current system takes the form of a sine wave which completes a full cycle 60 times in every second. The current flowing through load A will take the form Ia=10*sin(21600*t) where "t" is time. At the beginning of the first cycle (time = 0 seconds), the value of Ia will be zero amps. At 1/4 of the first cycle (or 0.004166 seconds) the value of Ia will be 10 Amps. At 1/2 of the cycle (or 0.008333 seconds) the value of Ia will be 0 Amps, and at 3/4 of the cycle the value of Ia will be -10 Amps. The current flowing through load B will take the form Ib=10*sin(21600*t-180) as the current is 180 degrees out of phase will A. Therefore the current Ib will be -10 Amps at 1/4 of the first cycle, 0 at 1/2 cycle and 10 Amps at 3/4 cycle. The neutral current (by KCL) will then be In = Ia + Ib= 10*sin(21600*t) + 10*sin(21600*t-180). Thus at time zero, the current on In will be 0+0=0, at 1/4 cycle will be 10+(-10)=0, at 1/2 cycle will be 0+0=0, and at 3/4 cycle will be (-10)+10=0. Just to carry it further, at 1.11 seconds after the start of the first cycle the current Ia will be -5.88 Amps and current Ib will be 5.88 Amps, and at 52.32 seconds after the start of the first cycle the current Ia will be 9.51 Amps and the current Ib will be -9.51 Amps.
The neutral current IS NOT zero at all times because the neutral has "been bypassed," or because the neutral is "like an open circuit," or because "the potential to push the current down the neutral has been removed," or because "the voltage drops across A and B or equal. The current in the neutral will be 0 Amps at ALL times, precisely BECAUSE the sum of the two current flowing from Load A & B will equal 0 at all times during each cycle of the AC current.