my work

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What kind of buss is that just wondering about the phase color alignment because in the i-line panels the phases flipover

its a GE spectra panel. 1200 amp frame breaker with a 1000 amp plug. the bus comes down the back and all those bus fingers screw on and go all over the place. there wrapped with tape from the factory. the nec states phase sequence is ABC top to bottom.
I've read it's ok for PVC but never seen it done.(service)

I've read it's ok for PVC but never seen it done.(service)

Did you put 3 phases together in each pipe or one phase in each pipe?
i can do it faster with pvc than i can with emt. a nice sharp hacksaw blade or sawzall blade cuts it pretty well

If your concerned with time. Article 352.30 allows not using a support between enclosures if 18" or less.

I don't see a main bonding jumper, screw or strap. Is it installed?


glad i stayed all the way to the end of this thread. that stuff looks good. wishin we had some o dat kind o work around here. any kind o work would be good. thanks for posting all the pics.:D
Nothing wrong there except as Larry said about the phasing tape. I would have just put 3 stripes, but other than that it's great.
I see the connection to the rebar . How do you feel about the exposed re bar Ive heard problem with building inspectors complaining the rebar has to be protected against rusting with time .......but exposing the rebar by the GC at least allows the EC to make a connection for a UFER ground
the job looks good, so take my input with a grain of salt.....and in the interst of've been here long enough to know thsi crew is going to look at everything with a fine tooth comb.

as far as the #6 Eq Gr,
250.119 Identification of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
Individually covered or insulated equipment grounding conductors shall have a continuous outer finish that is either green or green with one or more yellow stripes except as permitted in this section.

and for the 3/0 take a look at Table 312.6(B), I think you need 6-1/2"
of gutter space...may have it, it;s just a common error when one enters that close to the feed breaker.

This is where the NEC states that EGC are required to be green its entire length or, if 4AWG and larger, it can be identified at the time of installation at each end or wherever accessible.
I see the connection to the rebar . How do you feel about the exposed re bar Ive heard problem with building inspectors complaining the rebar has to be protected against rusting with time .......but exposing the rebar by the GC at least allows the EC to make a connection for a UFER ground

i dont have a problem with the GEC connection. i used the right connectors , scraped the rust off and tightened them down with all my might :)
Where is bond strap ? Is it one of the conductors we see on the neutral ?
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