New crew of two and the killer in me.

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I'm at wits end. I have two new mechanics, each well skilled. I have been using them on two jobs for two weeks. One is an underground that is flowing smoothly. The other is a restaurant where I have had these gentlemen hanging track lights in an open/blacked out type of ceiling. They can't seem to get on the same page and what I would have figured 2 men four days is dragging on.

Some unistrut, allthread, hardware ect. Sounds simple enough yet has baffled these two enough so all I hear is bickering about how to do this. Lost it and yelled at them Thursday and again today. My yelling can't help as there is no way to expedite such a mental blockade of a seeming simple task.

Experience leads me to believe these two will soon find a happy medium and increase productivity, but my homicidal thoughts are scaring me.:grin::roll: Need some words of wisdom from my friends here, how much more time should I give them before I just separate them?

Are they good employees? If there is a serious personality conflict then I would separate them now. That kind of thing will only get worse, slow them down and cost you money.
If you know how you want them installed, you should direct them to do it your way. Why let them drag it out? You're the boss.
I'm at wits end. I have two new mechanics, each well skilled. I have been using them on two jobs for two weeks. One is an underground that is flowing smoothly. The other is a restaurant where I have had these gentlemen hanging track lights in an open/blacked out type of ceiling. They can't seem to get on the same page and what I would have figured 2 men four days is dragging on.

Some unistrut, allthread, hardware ect. Sounds simple enough yet has baffled these two enough so all I hear is bickering about how to do this. Lost it and yelled at them Thursday and again today. My yelling can't help as there is no way to expedite such a mental blockade of a seeming simple task.

Experience leads me to believe these two will soon find a happy medium and increase productivity, but my homicidal thoughts are scaring me.:grin::roll: Need some words of wisdom from my friends here, how much more time should I give them before I just separate them?


You need to split them up right now if one does not let the other take the leed then that will go on and on and on.

Split them up or it will take for ever:roll:
One guy usually will take the lead in that case.

Do you give orders to just one or both at the same time?


If you know how you want them installed, you should direct them to do it your way. Why let them drag it out? You're the boss.

I drew a couple pictures on the wall of how I want it done. Thought it was pretty clear.
Crew issues

Crew issues

Put one in the seat tell them what you need done give instructions stay there and direct it some tell them if its not done in this time ! They can find a new home it will get done Chris or do you want me to come down and kick there ######:D
dog eat dog world

dog eat dog world

It may be that they are both leaders (or trying to ) a classic power struggle scenario. Try putting one in charge and do it his way the other must follow, then, switch roles on the second job. or try letting one guy work alone ? ,with a greenhorn.

Tell them both to get along or else the next job(s) will be at the sewer plant.
Close enough not to really make one the lead man.

Well you could hold an election and let them decide on a leader. The election will probably be very close as there are only two of them but after all the absentee ballots and hanging chads are delt with a new leader will emerge.

Or you could just assign the project to one of them and let him know what you want and the time frame that you think the job can be accomplished.
First off; I would not apoligize for any previous remarks! An old teacher reminded me once that you can apoligize
for remarks but you can not take your words back!

I. The scare factor!

I would remind them that they are grown men and that their level of work has been sub-par to date!
You should state the job is now over budget/per the equipment installation and while it totally reflects on you as the boss,
but that you'll get your say as to their work ethic later.

II. - The build up ego factor!

I would ask if there is any continuing mis-understanding in what's required to get this install in?

Then ask; (If required) What is it, that is the exact problem that they are having with this install? what is the Issue that is casing a slow install.

If you show you care and will work with an employee, and you will stand and work with them you will get a lot farther.
You have to be a better judge of when to step in as opposed to letting them go at it alone.



But I think you've already either lost their attitude, or desire to work in a correct manner!

I had a super lately tell me, "I direct my men to do work, I don't tell them how to complete it."

This seems to be a specific case were you as the bosss needs to directly hold their hand. Well I thought to myself,
well yes and no, it depends on the what needed or dictated by the job! I like to work or will try and like to complete every
aspect of a job up to a point where I can't go any farther. In my case this last job wasn't one of those jobs!


IV. Dumb Factor

They don't get the install or for whatever reason or are working slow (period), maybe it's just two construction
guys that are not use to the service work! If this is the case you can also state that you need this work done
completely as you've asked and if there's problem to come find you!

Maybe both of their individual bio-rythme's are in the wrong places... :)

Maybe since you lost Al, you've got the hang-up of judging everyone againest his work attitude and completion rate. I've been there done that and Yes, I still miss my "Rosa"!

All above is just My Humlbe Opinion.
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