Avoid working HOT
Avoid working HOT
The "working in a residential garage" got my attention, so I'll chime in on this one.
We only work industrial and commercial, but one of the industrial owners begged us to work at his house. (He has the money, so we say YES, SIR!)
We went to his house, (very old), and pull the POCO meter out of the meter socket on the outside of the garage. Directly inside the garage is a panel with the old SE cable with the fur falling off, (that is what we are going to replace). I use a pair of hand-held cable cutters to munch through the old SE cable and was met with ARC Flash and minor shock. I did not PUNCH MYSELF IN THE NOSE, but my reaction was to flung the hand-held cable cutter in a frisbee fashion across the garage, at MACH 6 VELOCITY, narrowingly missing the owners wife's Mercedes, and the cable cutters STUCK in the wall 15' away from where I was working.
In our area it is VERBOTTEN to have more than one POCO service on any building.*** (unless special circumstances). After I cleaned out my boxers, we found a second POCO meter on a utility pole about 40 feet from the garage.
P.S. If you are moving a step-ladder, and you hear some rustling noises... "Don't look up!". I will fess up to that mistake, and have been konked in the face with a large hammer, or whatever myself, or co-worker has left on the top step. It is funny after-the-fact, but I can tell you it almost knoked my tooth out.