Open knockout in panelboard on brick wall

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I wouldn't sweat it too much being brick, but I can also see that it would be pretty easy to shut off that breaker and move a wire out the way to install a KO seal as well.

It does not look to me like that breaker shuts off that wire. 50/50 chance based on what can be definitively seen in the picture, but knowing that the offset nipple likely leads to a meter base, it probably would require pulling the meter which may require meeting with the utility.
What panelboard? :huh:


Panelboard. A single panel or group of panel units designed
for assembly in the form of a single panel, including
buses and automatic overcurrent devices, and equipped
with or without switches for the control of light, heat, or
power circuits; designed to be placed in a cabinet or cutout
box placed in or against a wall, partition, or other support;
and accessible only from the front.
But putting that aside, if this is not a panelboard what NEC sections apply to it?
Article 408, but sections regarding switchgear. 408.2 specifies additional compliance with Articles 240, 250, 312, 404, and other articles that apply.

I'd seal this one, if only in the vain hope the next man who pulls the deadfront doest rip a wasp nest in half in the process.
Same here, I even stick bolts in unused mounting holes as that is the only place they can get in sometimes and you still run into an occasional enclosure with a swarming surprise waiting for you when you open it.
It appears dkidd takes exception to my view that the equipment in the opening post is a panelboard.
I have to agree with him. I believe it is listed as an SUSE enclosed circuit breaker.

Article 408 still applies because it is used as switchgear.
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