Pcs of finished breaker panels

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I much prefer to install a panel with the lugs top or bottom depending on the direction the feed is coming from, but as you can see and surely experienced with main on the bottom it crowds the circuits coming in from the top.
I much prefer to install a panel with the lugs top or bottom depending on the direction the feed is coming from, but as you can see and surely experienced with main on the bottom it crowds the circuits coming in from the top.
One thing that helps minimize the end-of-the-can traffic jam is to bring the wires in on the same side of the panel they'll land on, or alternately, land them on the same side as they enter the panel.

I like stacking the 2-pole breakers on one side and the single-poles on the other. That layout also falls in with the way the panel end-plate KO's are pre-punched. Like this:


Added: And like this:

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One thing that helps minimize the end-of-the-can traffic jam is to bring the wires in on the same side of the panel they'll land on, or alternately, land them on the same side as they enter the panel................

What's with the green/white wires on the breakers?
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