pet peeves

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Warm beer and stale nachos. Journey men that don't know that wire lube is the cheapest part of a wire pull. Customers that actually believe you clear $75.00 per hour. Supply houses that won't stock the basics. I actually went to a local house to order a 400 amp 5 pole bus duct switch and pick up some 1/2" steel couplings and connectors. They had the bus switch but said they had to order the fittings.)
what about when another journeymen borrows your tools? anyone else hate that?

Not as much as someone installing phone, cable etc, on job and not having the drills and saws to do the work because they are to expensive and ask to borrow ours. We do low voltage work as well!:mad:
A good business person never makes and fell less of themselves, slows down the repeat business. When I first went in business a customer told be 75% of you work will be for 30% of your customers, keep as many happy as possible.

I always heard it as the 80/20 rule.

80% of your business will come from 20% of your customers.
I saw two things this week that grinds my gears.

One was the light fixtures on a three year old building that are leaving mild but noticeable rust stains running down the synthetic stucco.

The other was an exterior receptacle with very rusty screws holding the weatherproof cover on. This building is less then four months old.
  1. Journeymen that say they finished a job, but haven't.
  2. Any type of "go back" or punch list, because of our dumb mistakes.
  3. Having to move our work, because the Plumbers, Sprinkler fitters, or any one else, needs that spot to install their stuff, but just now realised it.
  4. Mexican Music
  5. Rap Music
  6. Port-a-pots
Dirty job sites.
Drywallers who pack my boxes full of mud.
Joe Blow who wants to borrow x tool from me, while I'm using it.
Drywallers who rotozip all of my cables.
Anyone on the job site with a laser pointer.
Drywallers who slam the boards on the wall, causing boxing issues.
Tradesmen who damage your work but don't tell you.
Drywallers who stack all of the sheetrock on the wall or so close to it that I can't get to the box.
Load bearing beams.
Drywallers in general.
Being told either the check or the materials are on their way.
Going to a site that isn't ready, or so far along it means working like crazy to not get any more overrun.
Fixing other peoples' mistakes.
Inadequate/missing temporary lighting and power. I LOVE rolling out 500' of extension cord every day and having to roll it all back up at day's end. :roll:
Conduit with more than 4 quarter bends.
Drywall dust.
And the paper they come with. :mad: (I always carry a roll in a zip-lock bag.)

Banks have the best johns. I used to try to find a Convenience store or a Fast Food place, but now I just find a bank to "leave a deposit". They have nice clean restroom, right in the lobby. No wait. Plenty of paper. :smile:
The guy that watches me park my truck and get my tools out and as I enter the building he says you are going to have to move that. So you move it and the building engineer comes out and tells you you are going to have to move again. Right back where you started.
Employees who either won't use or improperly use safety equipment.

Music on the job period (a J-man will spend more time tweaking a station and or the volume than he will tweaking conduit bends)

Returning inoperable tools to the shop without reporting them as damaged.

Trades that roll out 300' of the smallest gauge Wal-Mart extension cord, Than try to blame you when their Hole-Hawg smokes
The guy that watches me park my truck and get my tools out and as I enter the building he says you are going to have to move that. So you move it and the building engineer comes out and tells you you are going to have to move again. Right back where you started.

I honestly thought I was the only one that experienced this at least a dozen
annoying times. Oh, and it is almost always an "Emergency" call.
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1. putting up outside light with no siding block on the wall
2. little pieces or stripped insulation laying on the floor under all the oulet boxes

1 those dam oulet boxes, cant stand them.
2 messy panels
3 knicked wires being stripped with a knife and not being taped up
3 B1. hackers
4 drywallers who insist that they have to extend the bit all the way out of their roto zip so they cut your wires inside the box
5 Excavators who think they are under ground professionals
6 Excavators who use white sewer pipe for URD
7 people who dont use primer and glue on their under ground conduit systems
8 know it all's
9 liars
10 short wire
11 material bought from HD or Lowes
12 counter personel who cant fill your order correctly or they think "well we dont have that outlet but I'll substitute this one for it they can make it work"
13 crooked devices and plates in a finished room USE A LEVEL!!!!!!!!
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