pet peeves

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My pet peeves.

1. Carpenters and other of our" knuckle dragging" breathern who stand/walk on my extension cords.
2. People who say "axe" rather than "ask".
3. Handymen, painters, etc. who do not bring thier own ladders to the job sight.
4. Any dipstick who has twisted three wires together and thinks they know "all about wiring".
5. Strarlings.
6. The increasing length of hem lines.

We use to tell them (LONG TME AGO)

32.00 an hour for me

42.00 if you watch

52.00 if you help

I've heard this many times. What's idea of charging more if they watch?

Is it that we don't want them knowing our super-secret trade moves or

we don't want them seeing our shady work that get's hidden after covers and walls go up?............................
1. putting up outside light with no siding block on the wall
2. little pieces or stripped insulation laying on the floor under all the oulet boxes
I've heard this many times. What's idea of charging more if they watch?

Is it that we don't want them knowing our super-secret trade moves or

we don't want them seeing our shady work that get's hidden after covers and walls go up?............................

Some people feel pestered by this. Like dragging an extra shadow around. I don't mind, but some do. Occasionally, they actually get in the way.
I've heard this many times. What's idea of charging more if they watch?

Is it that we don't want them knowing our super-secret trade moves or

we don't want them seeing our shady work that get's hidden after covers and walls go up?............................

Asking questions, talking to you about the weather, slowing you down.
This is not ment to pick a fight with you Brian because I'm sure lots of tradesmen feel the same as it's not directly related.

One of my pet peeves is tradesmen who make a customers feel stupid. I remember growing up my dad telling me about how he HATED having to call (trade name here) because they act like egotistical pricks because "they've been doing this blah blah years and the customers are always morons..."

I wonder if part of the great DIY movement happened because of tradesmen making customers feel stupid.

My dad is a doctor, who gives flight lessons as a Certified Flight Instructor out of a plane he owns himself. But he would rather have teeth pulled than deal with some jackhole electrician who thinks he's some kind kind of god because he started pulling wires straight out of high school for $8 an hour and now gets self esteem boost by making customers feel stupid...

And that's my pet peeve. :smile:
This is not ment to pick a fight with you Brian because I'm sure lots of tradesmen feel the same as it's not directly related.


No Problem.

But in the realm of making money one man will work faster that two, because two will be shooting the breeze but at least work is getting done. A HO watching, not working, is strictly shooting the the bull, WHICH in any body's book is slowing down a productive worker.

A good business person never makes and fell less of themselves, slows down the repeat business. When I first went in business a customer told be 75% of you work will be for 30% of your customers, keep as many happy as possible.
i never try to make customers feel stupid. if they have questions ill glady explain to them how everything works or what im doing. i ask questions all the time to other people. if the doctor hooks up a machine to me or whatever im always sure to ask what it is and how it works:D
another thing i cant stand is when people put terminal hooks on the wires on the rough, they get covered in plaster and i end up cutting them off :smile:
Them's fightin' words! :mad:

J/K. :smile: I agree with you, but I can usually peel it off with my fingertips. I'd still rather trim behind my own rough-in stripped and hooked than anyone elses not stripped and hooked.
Here are some of mine (grump grump):

1) Guys who think it's ok to just strip 6" of wire, regardless of box depth. Just as with coil springs, the shorter the stiffer.

2) Wires twisted with the insulation not evened up so that one wire is bare beyond the wirenut.

3) Not maintaining common-use tools. When I first started at this company no one knew what that tube of vaseline was for in the rotary hammer box and it rotated, but didn't hammer. Let's not even get started on the drill chucks... ;)

4) Drywallers who set their rotozips at 3" and cut my wires.

5) Someone who doesn't add extra to wire cuts (riser, etc.) and you pull the run to find you're a foot short.

6) 1/2" concentric KOs that are attached on two sides.

7) Bender's that say "6" to STUB" when it's really 6 1/4".

8) Not being able to remember all my pet peeves now. If it were my wife making the list, it would be at least 150 points long.
Lets list some from the "other side" you know - "The Dark Side"

EC's that call for an inspection and their not ready

Electricians that install covers on a box, but don't put KO enclosures in the missing KO's

GC's that install the ceiling tile and leave one out for the inspector to stick their head up through for the ceiling inspection

EC's that that don't understand health care/patient care area wiring

People who do not make up the grounds in the metal boxes prior to wall inspection

Electricians that ignore comments on what to / not to do before calling for the next inspection or final. (Things that I will fail them for)

The good old phrase " but that's how we always did it or "can't you just overlook that this time"

Electricians that fail an inspection, then call for another inspection without even fixing the violations

Master Electricians that Rent their license
I hate Sloppy dry wall jobs. boxes half full of mud, box holes cut to large, cover plates will not cover , Cut wires , covered up boxes.Sheet rock not pulled up to the studs good requireing box extenders. just to name a few
Another is trying to do a job for some one that dosen't not know what they want.
Multiple changes.
Probably one of the worst is sorting out some hack's mess he left behind.
This is just to name a few
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