Agreed.iwire said:Man that is a pet peeve of mine, people going out to the truck empty handed, there is almost always something that can be brought out to the truck, or taken to the dumpster along the way.
My company is called Quality Electrical Services. If just good enough was OK for me I would have named it Just Good Enough Electrical Services instead. :smile:480sparky said:In some cases, yes.
I like to think I differentiate myself from others by the quality of work, not low prices. I tell people my shirt & truck don't say "Wal-Mart Electric" on them.
For instance, I may be bending pipe, and according to code, what I just installed is fine. But as I stand back and look at it, I say to myself, "Self, that looks like crap. Redo it."
mdshunk said:Does being too concerned about quality actually effect your bottom line? Is there such a thing as being too concerned about quality? Is 'good enough' okay most of the time?
LawnGuyLandSparky said:So, did you do it better, or did you do it different?
First off I dont mean to sound rude, but alot of you guys just make me laugh. You reminde me of some of the chefs I used to work for. They would be running 35-45% food costs and not understand why the owner is bitching that the restaurant is not making money. Next thing you know he lets one of the night dishwasher go so now you have one guy doing dishes and pans on his own. Now the front is bitching that the crockery is talking to long to come back and the bartender is screaming for glasses. But the chef is still running his Roasted lobster tali with foi gra foam and aged meats for no money................You my friend are not Ruth Chris but mom and pop trying to pretend that you are a global company, so relax if you pipe run a1/8 of an inch off or not. 99% of the time the customer could give two ships if all the couplings are facing down.bikeindy said:The dilema!
Someone already said Wal-Mart, I'll say Mcdonalds, I'd rather be Ruth's Chris. It is tough.
My "tag" line is "Plug into quality" it goes with the logo and say what we are all about.
I've got half a dozens boxes like that in my truck. Real often the hardware store is 30-40 miles away so dropping things and "running to town" realy isn't an affordable option.JohnJ0906 said:Agreed.
I try to keep a running tab of things I need from the truck, and don't send the helper until there is something I need RIGHT NOW. Why 4 trips instead of one. Take something out with you.
I have a couple of these organizers with small parts, connectors, etc. One with screws. No need for a bunch of trips for hardware - I just bring these in, and have it right there where I am working.
edit to change from picture to link
iaov said:My company is called Quality Electrical Services. If just good enough was OK for me I would have named it Just Good Enough Electrical Services instead. :smile:
If quality means "neat" and "safe" then I'd say that you do good enough.iaov said:Chances are the customer doesn't know what quality service looks like. But I do. You don't have to go "over board" to do a neat, safe installation. You just have to care.:smile:
Does being too concerned about quality actually effect your bottom line?
In a niche market, I absolutely see your point. I'd want to be the best guy. When you're competing in a much, much broader market, it is quite difficult to stand out on quality alone, unless you want to travel for your work. It's a catch-22, and a very real struggle, Brian.brian john said:NO If you cannot be the best WHY BOTHER.
brian john said:NO If you cannot be the best WHY BOTHER.
AV ELECTRIC said:Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder.