I've had people look at my work next to a previous installation and say;"Look's like you put Lipstick on a pig."I just respond,who would YOU hire?"I take my trade very seriously and my customers know it.When my customers have a million dollar piece of machinery,they always call me. I can't tell you how many times I've had a customer ask me to do something illegal and I simply tell them I can't do that.Then I proceed to tell them WHY.They almost always say,"Yes you're right let's do it right." In my experience, those that do Shoddy work simply don't know the rules or how to do the math . So they just do what they THINK is right as fast as they can to get the check.That's fine with me cause they'll get ONE check I'll get 50.EVERYBODY is an Electrician nowdays.White to white black to black that's all you need to know...according to Home Depot. Electrical is mostly reputation.When you have a million dallors invested would you check the local classifieds for someone to do the hook-up? Trust me I've been where you are Mark, I've seen work were I've said,"Why do I even try?"Cause I care.That's the way it's gonna be.