Pull box every 200'

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Feeling stupid this morning...

Is there an NEC requirement for a pull box every 200' of conduit?

(A little background, I have an engineer who insisted that it is in the NEC but can not give me a reference and I cant find one either.)

The most likely reference would be ANSI/TIA/EIA-569, "No section of conduit shall be longer than 30m (100ft) or contain more than two 90 degree bends between pull points or pull boxes."

But, no, there is no NEC requirement for distance.
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weressl has a good point, you might be surprised how little some engineers know about code.

This is a owner's representative doing an inspection on a design build where I had some control over the specs; so it is absolutely not written in the specs.

As a side note we also had an interesting conversation about voltage drop and FPNs. My foreman sized everything for 5% and this nimwit insisted that 3% was a code mandate.

Winning friend and influencing people can be a real pain sometimes.

Your foreman should be also fired.:D

(I'm in a firing mode lately.)

2% for distribution losses and 3% for branch.

But seriously, the engineer was making a mistake that could have cost your job if the project was already installed and they made you re-do it. If it wasn't yet installed and you were to follow his instruction, it would have cost extra money to the Owner.

So yes, especially in these hard times everybody should act responsibly when it comes to unnecessary expenses. Engineers should not make false statements and if challanged should find out if the information is valid and present it to the challanger, or admit that they were in error. Not just insist that they are right because they are 'engineers'. The same should be true to inspectors. Both of those people should have superior technical knowledge in comparison to plain electricians as the electricians have superior knowledge in mechanical and crafting matters of the same.
Your foreman should be also fired.:D

(I'm in a firing mode lately.)

add: BTW: That's Trump's hair added.:D
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If you do use a fish tape, it's a good idea to make sure that it's still 200' long. I found out that my old 100 footer was only 85' long, when I installed 90' of pipe and had to put a box in the run when my tape wouldn't reach.:mad:
If you do use a fish tape, it's a good idea to make sure that it's still 200' long. I found out that my old 100 footer was only 85' long, when I installed 90' of pipe and had to put a box in the run when my tape wouldn't reach.:mad:

You couldn't figure out a way to make the last 5'?
If you do use a fish tape, it's a good idea to make sure that it's still 200' long. I found out that my old 100 footer was only 85' long, when I installed 90' of pipe and had to put a box in the run when my tape wouldn't reach.:mad:

You ever find who stole the Last 15 feet of that tape.
Or was it one of those metric versions. :confused:
You ever find who stole the Last 15 feet of that tape.
Or was it one of those metric versions. :confused:

It was just one of those that was old and over the years you break it here and there and cut off a little every time you put on a new leader and I guess it just added up over time.:roll: More my fault for not paying more attention to my tools.:smile:
It was just one of those that was old and over the years you break it here and there and cut off a little every time you put on a new leader and I guess it just added up over time.:roll: More my fault for not paying more attention to my tools.:smile:
Yea I figured that.. Just was trying to get some humor rolling:smile:
Yea I figured that.. Just was trying to get some humor rolling:smile:

Sorry about that, I usually catch on quicker.:smile:

Our daughter is buying her first new car since her divorce and we ended up not leaving the dealership until about 11:30 last night and then we still had to eat so I finally got to bed around 1:00 and of course layed there and tossed and turned and I know I looked at the clock at 3:00 and was in the office at 7:00.

We need a "yawn" smiley.:grin:
Sorry about that, I usually catch on quicker.:smile:

Our daughter is buying her first new car since her divorce and we ended up not leaving the dealership until about 11:30 last night and then we still had to eat so I finally got to bed around 1:00 and of course layed there and tossed and turned and I know I looked at the clock at 3:00 and was in the office at 7:00.

We need a "yawn" smiley.:grin:

Well John........did you buy a Ford F-150 4x4?( Only thing allowed in My driveway) And all the tossing and turning is due to you had your mind on the Forum..huh?.....:wink: Also, with a lack of sleep did you make any bad calls today or just not give a rat's A**.......:grin:
Well John........did you buy a Ford F-150 4x4?( Only thing allowed in My driveway) And all the tossing and turning is due to you had your mind on the Forum..huh?.....:wink: Also, with a lack of sleep did you make any bad calls today or just not give a rat's A**.......:grin:

Thanks for the smileys guys.:grin:

Actually she bought a Fusion, a pretty nice car. We have an F-350 crew cab with an 8' bed and a convertible Mustang. But she would have liked a F-150.

Just didn't give a rat's A**....:grin:
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