FWIW I think you are grasping at straws. The Raco products above the one in picture I posted from HD where raised covers for switches, decora, duplex etc. Those ones Raco labeled as "Surface covers" the one in my picture of course is a "device cover" per the manufacturer. It seems to me the surface covers can only be used for surface work, while the device covers can be used for either.
To recap your position as it is coming across to me. Outside documentation is only important when it supports your position. If you can't find outside documentation to support your view you tell us that outside documentation is not available or needed.
When you tell us the info is in the labeling and the labeling does not support your position you ignore it and try to work around it. :happyyes:
All this has reminded me of something from the distant past and I think you may be having trouble the 'W' word as well. :lol: