Service upgrade cost?

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220/221 said:
People can scutinize all they want. That is one of the purposes. Another purpose is to learn how and why things are done in other geographical locations.

I know why you do it... it makes the job easier, but without a state amendment, its a code violation, whether you choose to accept it or not...


Let us all remember that the AHJ can basically pick and choose what parts of the NEC that they want to abide by. I once had a post about outside load centers being used in coastal areas. The surface mount type 3r panel on outside of dwellings is common in La. Fla., etc. And the way they get NM into the back of panels is usually 2- 2 1/2 nipples. But as you stated Stick, "is this code"?? I don't think I would want my panel on the outside of the house!! I had the op here and I did not want us to bash one another over my question! I was out of curiosity, trying to decide what the average national cost of a 200 A service upgrade would be. PEACE!!
its a code violation, whether you choose to accept it or not... I am getting defensive. the posts.

I BELIEVE that it's a code violation and I DO accept it. I just don't care.

If you can tell me how it is dangerous I will consider changing my methods. Simply telling me it's a violation is not enough for ME.
220/221 said:
I BELIEVE that it's a code violation and I DO accept it. I just don't care.

If you can tell me how it is dangerous I will consider changing my methods. Simply telling me it's a violation is not enough for ME.

"I don't care who you are, that's scary right there!" :roll:
220/221 said: I am getting defensive. the posts.

I BELIEVE that it's a code violation and I DO accept it. I just don't care.

If you can tell me how it is dangerous I will consider changing my methods. Simply telling me it's a violation is not enough for ME.

"I just don't care" is just what younger people on the forum need to read coming from a so called professional correct?

Thats right people, we just toss out the codes that don't please us, WHY you ask? because they cause more work and are really not that important, they are just words you know... You heard it hear first, from now on if you dont like it then just ignore it!

sorry bro but your attitude just plain stinks! :mad:
This is a fair price

This is a fair price

electricguy61 said:
Northern CA (south bay) 200amp Overhead w/ rigid mast, single story home, $2500-3500 ($2200 to friends/family)
Depending on how many ckts you have existing and if you are supplying all new breakers with the installation and how far is the water main on the other side of the house split level worst case. Oops I missed the outdoor disconnect Add a few hundred extra for the meter/main.
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romexking said:
Have you been keeping track of my prices? I'm not actually at 4K for a resi service yet, but I'll let you know when I hit that mark.:smile:
I think we charged around $1750 last time. $4000 never even occured to me. I will try it next time ! e/m
sorry bro but your attitude just plain stinks!

You don't have to apologize to me, man. I understand.;)

Perhaps an NEC forum is not a great place to encourage ignoring the NEC?

Explain how I am encouraging it? Am I not allowed to voice my opinion in a thoughtful and reasonable manner?

That is very narrow minded thinking. The NEC is full of flaws. If we are not allowed to discuss them they will be there for our grandkids to deal with. In cases like this, all I ask is "why is it illegal"" and generally I don't get an answer.
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peter d said:
Guys, don't ever question 220's work again, it's clear he can't take the heat. ;)

I still don't understand your issue with me?

You insinuate a lot of things that just aren't there. If you are trying to provoke me, it aint gonna happen, Not today anyway. I am in an unusually calm mood today.
220/221 said:
I still don't understand your issue with me?

You insinuate a lot of things that just aren't there. If you are trying to provoke me, it aint gonna happen, Not today anyway. I am in an unusually calm mood today.

I don't have any issue with you personally. I don't even know you.

But I do have an issue with you saying "I don't care" about a particular code rule, no matter how accepted it is where you live. It could very well be that the entire state of Arizona is wired that way, but we don't encourage purposefully violating the code and not caring about it here at the forum.
220/221 said:
. The NEC is full of flaws. If we are not allowed to discuss them they will be there for our grandkids to deal with. In cases like this, all I ask is "why is it illegal"" and generally I don't get an answer.

You asked so I will answer.

As far as what we do out in the field.

It does not matter why a rule exists, it is the rule. If you do not like the rule, learn to live with it, work to change it or find another line of work.

Of course we can come on this forum and question the NEC, and of course we can try to find the answers why. :smile:

But we can not condone / endorse / recommend ignoring the NEC. There are newbies here and teaching them that ignoring the NEC is just a part of the trade is just plain wrong.

Generally I pull a post that recommends ignoring the NEC, I did not see this one fast enough before a lot of other posts went up.
In the preamble to the British electrical code, it says, "Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools". I'm not real sure how to take that, particularly since their code is more strict than ours in many respects.
we don't encourage purposefully violating the code and not caring about it here at the forum.

I intentionally violate the code at my discretion. One time I stapled some NM 14" from the box.

Get used to it or petition to have me removed.

It is my opinion that only a simpleton would not question authority. "Just bacause I said so" was NEVER a good reason to me. I want to know why. If you can't tell me why, I will assume you don't know.

Heh heh....NOW I am getting defensive:grin:

But we can not condone / endorse / recommend ignoring the NEC.

AGAIN....did I endorse, condone or recommend anything? I THOUGHT I simply stated my opinion. Do I have to put a disclaimer to this effect on everything I say?

"Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools"

Perfect :)
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220/221 said:
It is my opinion that only a simpleton would not question authority.

I agree with that.

But we are not talking about questioning authority, you say you ignore it.

Really is a bit of a difference. :smile:

And of course what you decide to do at your job is up to you, but what we encourage here at Mikes is up to Mike and the Mods he has chosen. :smile:
In NC it is a very common prectice to install an outdoor panel and use the two 2" knockouts out of the back and put a PVC connector or a PVC coupling with the box adapter.

It is not legal by the NEC, however, I have seen this done all over the place. I have worked here 30 years and I have never seen a problem because of it. The biggest problem I see is that there is a lot of space left over in the fitting and it is not sealed. This can cause condensation inside the panel. I have done it many times in my life and will probably do it again but I do try to avoid it.

The problem is when you have to change out a panel that was installed this way it makes it difficult to change things esp. if the wires are not in the crawl space but in the wall that is finished.

I haven't done a new install like this in 15 years or so and I will not do it again in new construction.
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