Taped Wirenuts

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peter d said:
Yeah, true, you might as well go all out and do a really nice job. I hate seeing good 33+ tape get wasted on stuff like snaking. :mad:

Well if the good stuff is all you buy what other choice do you have ?
I'm not gonna waste good money on crappy tape . You know what they say " Junk in = Junk out " or " Use crap and you end up with a crappy end result ".

Carl :D
stickboy1375 said:
So for all you wire nut tapers out there, what kind of tape do you use? 3M? or just junk tape? ;) :grin:

I do it like this:
by wrapping the installed connector with four half-lapped layers of rubber mastic tape or rubber splicing tape, and then over-wrapping it with two half-lapped layers of premium vinyl electrical tape

That's a lie, I don't wrap.
georgestolz said:
That's when I tend to change the direction of conversation by posting pictures of padlocks. Here's a pretty one:

View attachment 1149

That one's real purty, but I like this 'er one.

Krim said:
I'm not gonna waste good money on crappy tape
Carl :D

Carl if your using 33 for everything you tape you are already wasting money.

It would cost less to buy both good and bad tape, the cheap stuff for throw away use and the good stuff when needed.
When we use wirenuts to connect motor leads we tape because of the possibility of getting wet. In J-boxes we don't.
jbower said:
When we use wirenuts to connect motor leads we tape because of the possibility of getting wet.

In my opinion taping wire nuts where they might get wet is the worst thing you can do, the water gets in anyway but dries out a lot slower.

Use the Gel filled wire nuts pictured earlier in the thread.
so do wire nuts with silicone in them..I have taped wire nuts on for vibration not water..but normally no tape on wire nut..alot of the motors use use tape are connected with some sort of bolting system..then you need liner-less rubber tape, mastic pads and 33+..tape is not really necessary for wire nuts..Yet I have come across several that have been taped..
We always tape our wirenuts because if we didn't our boss would get us. I worked in a glass plant and is so hot the wirenut would melt. We had porcelain wirenut too and we taped them also.
lpelectric said:
This environment must have been rough on the conductors, too. :smile:

In commercial cooking equipment work we would use nickel plated wire with a hi temp siliconized insulation (if we didn't have any of the old hoarded asbestos to use ha!) along with s/s crimp on terminal ends and ceramic wirenuts and 3M glass tape.

Heat is good for creating service work but callbacks aren't wanted.
I do tape wire nuts....sorta...sometimes.

If I'm making up a switch JB, and using pigtails to feed several switches from a single wire, I will tape the conductors together before installing the wirenut.

I first strip the wire and twist the ends together (yes, I'm a twister), wrap tape around the bundle, (behind the twist), and then install the wire nut.

The reason is to keep the wires from moving around in the wire nut (and becoming loose) when I attach them to the switches and fold the bundle into the box.

It may not be necessary, but it seems like good practice to me.

Just my 2 cents.

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