Taped Wirenuts

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Taped Wirenuts

In my experience a taped wirenut always indicates a homeowner or an unqualified person was in the box before, and extreme care needs to be taken. I do not know any qualified electrician in the residential or industrial world that tapes wirenuts.
I like wasting the good stuff only to patch water leaks and the like. I use duct tape to tape up my wire nutz and then I use the adhesive reinforced shrink wrap to make sure it stays together, that way the next guy that works behind me can have a fun filled day tryin to get it all back off.:grin: It's the way I was taught by my paw.
hutch75 said:
In my experience a taped wirenut always indicates a homeowner or an unqualified person was in the box before, .....
Pretty subjective statement...:confused: :smile: Never been in a box where a qualified electrician has been that had taped wirenuts

hutch75 said:
....and extreme care needs to be taken. ....
pretty subjective statement...:confused: :smile: to what extent is "extreme" care necessary?...

hutch75.....I do not know any qualified electrician in the residential or industrial world that tapes wirenuts.[/quote said:
Pretty subjective statement....:confused: :smile: At the risk of sounding subjective, I do know qualified electricians who use tape on their wirenutted connections...
Carl, if it bothers you, you can always take the dog for a walk or something. :D

Seriously, if "Is a switch an outlet?" can make it over 700, I can't see a reason to shut this down, ostensibly mindless as it may be. ;)
georgestolz said:
Carl, if it bothers you, you can always take the dog for a walk or something. :D

Seriously, if "Is a switch an outlet?" can make it over 700, I can't see a reason to shut this down, ostensibly mindless as it may be. ;)

George, are you serious about this ? :confused: :roll:
stickboy1375 said:
I cant believe people keep posting on this thread, I'm only doing it to bump the thread... :grin:

stickboy, This has gotten a bit crazy hasn't it ?
After I hear from George, I'll unsubscribe from this thread myself and find another topic to watch ... it does become addictive after awhile ... it's a little like watching TV but you get to set up or at least take a part in what's going on ... pretty neat , beats TIVO even for the entertainment value . :grin:
stickboy1375 said:
Did you take a picture as proof?

Ooooppps, not I didn't. Shame on me. You'll just have to take my word for it. And the job was clearly DIY too. They used those black high temp wirenuts from the '70's. It was quite a nice hack job.
Does anybody know where I can find the post for "Is a switch an outlet?"
I've searched but no luck so far , George had mentioned that it went for over 700 posts and I thought I'd like to read some of it for a good laugh.

Carl :)
brian john said:

I am not following you Brian.

No mater what tape you use the water can generally find it's way into the wire nut via the spaces between the conductors that the tape does not touch.
When this topic first appeared I kind of laughed and said nothing to read there, and I didn't read. I just noticed this has grwon to 20 pages and there is no way I am reading all that. Please tell me this is not still about taping wirenuts. That's 20 wasted pages this forum will never get back. :rolleyes: :grin:
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