Taped Wirenuts

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This post has had any action in a while. Just trying to revive it.
  • The use of sugar coating on a donut
  • Bacon and tomato to bread and lettuce
  • Saddle, bridal and reins to a horse
  • Tape to a wirenut
p.s. fight the urge to be drawn in to this thread.....lol
peter d said:
How many wraps of tape do you put on?

Cheap or premium tape?

How far up the wirenut and how far down the wire do you tape?

Do you leave a "flag" on the tape so a future electrician can remove the tape easier?

Those should get us started.....


Use at least half a roll.

It's always best to use cheap tape...preferably duct tape and always remember to use a heat source on it to finalize the sealing process.

Be sure to completely cover the wire nut and be sure that if there are any other wirenut connections close by include them as you continue to wrap your tape in a counterclockwise motion alternating to clockwise.

Never leave a flag, this is a sign of an untrained un professional installer and it is also a tripping/safety hazard. DO NOT leave a flag becaus ethis will promote items discussed in another thread "CUSSING ON THE JOBSITE."

If you remember to follow these easy instructions you be sure to be a hit in the job market. HAPPY TAPING!!!!:grin: :grin:
stickboy1375 said:
What do you do when you forgot to buy tape?

After removing the tape to correct/check a splice do you reuse the old tape?

Do you ever wonder while taping a wirenut if this is actually worth doing?

what color tape do you prefer?

do you ever not tape a wirenut and hope nobody ever finds it?

Of course any good professional taper never runs out of tape in the rare instance that he does he should always have a handy supply of duct seal and 2 part epoxy available.

Of course you should always reuse the old tape because of its elastic properties as well as its ultra sticky content from being there for many years.

Taping wirenuts is definately worth doing. You want to ensure that the next guy who works behind you knows that you know how to tape your nuts.

Its best to use multiple colrs to show your attention to detail. Always use alternating colors such as Brown Orange and Yellow and be sure to secure the entire process with a generous portion of black.

I always tape my wirenuts because this is my signature to the industry that I know how to use wirenuts and tape and the job will always be a qaulity one.:grin: :grin:
Thank you jnsane84 for your invaluable, in-depth, thorough, professional, well-learn-ed, insightful, enlightening diatribe on the artful use of tape. This has been a wonderful compliment to a richly rewarding thread, as I'm sure you're aware. :smile:
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't post something on this all-important subject.


What was this about anyway? I lost track 10 pages ago.....:confused:

wbalsam1 said:
Thank you jnsane84 for your invaluable, in-depth, thorough, professional, well-learn-ed, insightful, enlightening diatribe on the artful use of tape. This has been a wonderful compliment to a richly rewarding thread, as I'm sure you're aware. :smile:

Balsam thank you so much for the colorful compliments. As I hope you are already aware my post was meant only for comic relief and in no way reflects my true practices or beliefs of proper wiring techniques. It was an extremely long day and I took the opportunity to provide a lil cheer....:grin:
I always twist my connections with my linesmans plier, clip , then wire nut. If done properly taping is tottaly unnessasary and a waist of time. With 14 wire it avoids over twisting with the wire nut and having the wire break. I think taping around the recepticles is also a waist of time. If anyone has to go into the outlet box it should be shut off at the breaker or they should know enough not to put thier fingers in the wrong place.
Woah, I never realized there would be so many concerned professionals about a little tape on the wirenuts. Seems to me it is absolutely a matter of preference. Some do and some dont.

Oh little wire nut
Your job is so plain
Do we give you a skirt
Or do we go insane

People fret over the thought
What will they do
To tape or not to tape
Or just a simple screw

I suppose we will never know
Is there a real purpose
Ill just put it to rest
because the thought just might hurt us

Thanks for all the replies people!!!
jnsane84 said:
Balsam thank you so much for the colorful compliments. As I hope you are already aware my post was meant only for comic relief and in no way reflects my true practices or beliefs of proper wiring techniques. It was an extremely long day and I took the opportunity to provide a lil cheer....:grin:

WHAT?! :grin:
electricmanscott said:
You'll need to try harder than that. Let me give it a shot.

What kind of tape is best to quiet a union member? :wink: :grin:

And the answer is.........a healthy wrapping of 33, a secondary layer of duct tape and a sealing layer of epoxy.
jnsane84 said:
And the answer is.........a healthy wrapping of 33, a secondary layer of duct tape and a sealing layer of epoxy.

And I thought it was a wrapping of tape on the extra money you gave the worker.:grin: :D
I'll try to breath some new air into this one.

hutch75 said:
In my experience a taped wirenut always indicates a homeowner or an unqualified person was in the box before, and extreme care needs to be taken. I do not know any qualified electrician in the residential or industrial world that tapes wirenuts.

I guess this means that you don't know all of them.:smile:

mdshunk said:
It's hard to gauge facial expression, intonation, and voice inflection when reading only what it typed. We're not journalists, after all, so what is written can sometimes seem more harsh than it actually was ever intended.

Not being familiar with the word "intonation", my mind read "intoxication".
After page 24, I think I may have been more correct. :grin:
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