Taped Wirenuts

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electricmanscott said:
When this topic first appeared I kind of laughed and said nothing to read there, and I didn't read. I just noticed this has grwon to 20 pages and there is no way I am reading all that. Please tell me this is not still about taping wirenuts. That's 20 wasted pages this forum will never get back. :rolleyes: :grin:

But look at how some of us are getting to add to our total posts.:grin: :D
It is not about taping it is about the expression of ideas among professionals, with different points of view, in this case there appears to be no right or wrong, just varying ideas. No way has it been a waste of PAGES(?) or band width.
brian john said:
It is not about taping it is about the expression of ideas among professionals, with different points of view, in this case there appears to be no right or wrong, just varying ideas. No way has it been a waste of PAGES(?) or band width.

Depends on your point of view. I say it is a waste. :grin:
jnsane84 said:
And when theres no band-aids available it works good for cuts and puncture wounds too.....it's like WD-40...theres a million and one uses.

Reminds me of an older neighbor I once had. She was in the store and saw the WD-40 and that it could be used to loosen stiff joints. She decided to give it a try. She concluded:smile: that, even though it was 1/2 the cost, it did not do as well for her stiff joints as the arthritis cream she had been using. :rolleyes:

True story...

There are a lot of post I do not bother with, if this post is a waste, why do you look at it. MORBID CURIOUSTY?
brian john said:

There are a lot of post I do not bother with, if this post is a waste, why do you look at it. MORBID CURIOUSTY?

Oh yes, it's like rubbernecking at a traffic accident. You don't want to look but you can't look away. :cool:
iwire said:
What should we ask? :grin:

How many wraps of tape do you put on?

Cheap or premium tape?

How far up the wirenut and how far down the wire do you tape?

Do you leave a "flag" on the tape so a future electrician can remove the tape easier?

Those should get us started.....

peter d said:
How many wraps of tape do you put on?

Cheap or premium tape?

How far up the wirenut and how far down the wire do you tape?

Do you leave a "flag" on the tape so a future electrician can remove the tape easier?

Those should get us started.....


What do you do when you forgot to buy tape?

After removing the tape to correct/check a splice do you reuse the old tape?

Do you ever wonder while taping a wirenut if this is actually worth doing?

what color tape do you prefer?

do you ever not tape a wirenut and hope nobody ever finds it?
stickboy1375 said:
do you ever not tape a wirenut and hope nobody ever finds it?

Actually, I hope electricians do find all the wirenuts I didn't tape so we can talk about it on an internet forum for electrical weirdos.....errr....I mean professionals. ;) :D
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