here's my examples, dig in.
lets look at two "realistic" cases of AC power gen deliver energy to two loads that have different impedance characteristics. we'll fix the gen and transmission. then we will compare some important ratios to understand how the reactance affects power transmission
input work to create the voltage needed to push amps = Win
Rgen = 50ohms
transmission line = 0.1 x 2 (no XC and no XL) = 0.2
Vgen-output = 100vac-rms (60hz)
endpoint Load = inductor k, Rk=20, XL=20
Z = vector sum of 20.2 + 20 = 28.426
amps = 100/28.426 = 3.518amps
real power of just inductor = 247.526watt
S = vector sum of P + Q = I2Z
S = I2 x Z = VA = 351.809 watt
P = I2 x 20.2 = 250.002 watt
Q = I2 x 20 = 247.526 watt
vector sum of P+Q = 351.809 watt
PF = P/S = 0.71061 = cos(Φ)
P = PF x S (is this true?)
P = PF x S
P = 0.71061 x 351.809 = 249.999 (round err)
Win = (I2 x 50) + S
Win = 618.816 + 351.809 = 970.625 watt
1) it takes 3.518amps to deliver 250.002watt at the load
2) the ratio of load R to load XL is bad, poor PF
3) input work was 970.625watt
lets now attach a new load, less real power, but worse PF
what does "PF worse" mean, Φ is larger
input work to create the voltage needed to push amps = Win
Rgen = 50ohms
transmission line = 0.1 x 2 (no XC and no XL) = 0.2
Vgen-output = 100vac-rms (60hz)
endpoint Load = inductor k, Rk=10, XL=18
Z = vector sum of 10.2 + 18 = 20.690
amps = 100/20.690 = 4.833amps
real power of just inductor = 233.579watt
S = vector sum of P + Q = I2Z
S = I2 x Z = VA = 483.300 watt
P = I2 x 10.2 = 238.250 watt
Q = I2 x 18 = 420.442 watt
vector sum of P+Q = 483.254 watt
PF = P/S = 0.49297 = cos(Φ)
Win = (I2 x 50) + S
Win = 1167.894 + 483.300 = 1651.194 watt
1) it takes 4.833amps to deliver 233.579watt at the load
2) the ratio of load R to load XL is bad, poor PF
3) input work was 1651.194watt
now lets look at some ratios
what ratios to look at
1) Win:Watts(load)
2) Amps:Watts(load)
from example-1
1) 970.625/250.002 = 3.882
2) 3.518A/250.002W = 0.01407amps per watt
from example-2
1) 1651.194/233.579 = 7.069
2) 4.833A/233.579W = 0.02069amps per watt
Regardless of R value of load, PF plays major role on the effort needed to take useable power from gen to load. in example-1 it takes ~3.8x ~250watts to deliver that ~250watts of useable power. in example-2 it takes ~7x ~233watts to deliver that ~233watts of useable power. on a per unit watt basis its 0.0152x per watt, and 0.03x per watt respectively. as you can see, the diff in PF (0.49297 - 0.71061) had a ~1.97x impact on the input work required to deliver same unit watt of useable load power.
now lets look at amps per watt ratios. as you can see between the two examples, the decrease in PF means it takes more amps to deliever same unit watt useable power to the load.
many like to ask "where does all that reactive power go?". simple answer is it is wasted by I2R losses through the system. it takes work on the gen side to create EMF to push amps, and reactance impedes the flow of amps, thus more reactance means i need to push harder to keep useable power watts constant on the load side. if load-A is 20kW PF=0.8 and load-B is 20kW PF=0.7, this just tells us the cost per unit watt is higher for the lower PF.
it is now trivial to determine the economics of it all in terms of business model. in general, low PF means less ROI than high PF. it is best interest of business owner to tune the characteristics of Z to reduce reactance.