Thinking about the next guy, running conduit

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Senior Member
Right! Especially since 90% of customers don't know the difference between a job well done, and job simply done. All most people know is that the light goes on when they flip the switch, or the machine runs when they hit GO.

This is very ver true, but my quality efforts are not for the customers approval, it mine...:smile:


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Another thing: when you criticize another's work, you're also criticizing the person who chose them for the job.

Whether intentional or not, people are sensitive and often take stuff personally (except when they should. :D)


Senior Member
Right here.
This is very ver true, but my quality efforts are not for the customers approval, it mine...:smile:
So you're stealing from the customer? Essentially, when I read what you wrote, that's what it means to me. I just hope it works out for you 20 years from now, is all I have to say. When you build a client base with these sorts of ideals, you'll never be able to put down the tools yourself. I know that's okay with some people...


Senior Member
i try to always think about future runs because in the places i work its a given that there will be more to come but i will almost always be the one doing it. also if im going along way or going through someplace thats a pita i will run a couple of spare pipes. it dosent really take that much longer to do while you are right there. imo its just good design.


Senior Member
New England
I understand where Mule is coming from, it's nice to walk away from a job feeling it's the best quality installation you could provide. I think it lends itself to alot of repeat business as well.

My fathers company has customers that are willing to months for his services because of craftsmanship and fair prices. He's never advertised, not in the Yellow pages, nothing. Word of mouth thats it.

I worked for company in Salt Lake City that did mostly fire alarm and security systems, every tie wrap had to be placed perfect, every bundle of cables looked like a factory assembly etc... While this was mainly for the owners satisfaction, we got so much repeat business because the quality of work looked like artwork.

I don't think Mule is " stealing from the customer" because he takes time to make it look good.


Senior Member
So I take the time for my own satisfaction, while others take the money and run, because that's what they are working for (The Money). I think the customer gets a better value from the previous, because I see alot of installations that are falling apart after just a few years, and I believe mine stay put alot longer than some of my local competition....In fact, I've had some business cards made that are decals, and I place them in the panel lid, stating that this circuit#___ was proudly installed on this date______ thus signing my name to it.


Staff member
So I take the time for my own satisfaction,

Nice of you to spend the customers money for your pleasure.

while others take the money and run,

In many cases the customer got exactly what they paid for, they want a low price they get a fast job.

because that's what they are working for (The Money).

And that is not a bad thing, paying my bills and taking care of my family are things I take pride in.

In fact, I've had some business cards made that are decals, and I place them in the panel lid, stating that this circuit#___ was proudly installed on this date______ thus signing my name to it.

And there we have it, your an artist not a businessman. :smile:


Senior Member
New England
IMO there is a difference between taking the time to do it right and just plain old milking it because your trying to fill an eight hour day.

Usually it dosen't take much longer or much more money to put a little thought and effort into doing quality work. Sometimes it's the little details that get you more work and a good reputation.

Granted some guy's are over the top neat freaks.


Senior Member
Nice of you to spend the customers money for your pleasure.

In many cases the customer got exactly what they paid for, they want a low price they get a fast job.

And that is not a bad thing, paying my bills and taking care of my family are things I take pride in.

And there we have it, your an artist not a businessman. :smile:


With all due respect, I wont make any like comments towards you because its not in my blood,or at least Im resisting the urge, but I will say, your quite wrong, I try to provide the highest level of safe, reliable, installations as I know how, while taking care of our financial needs at the same time. I'm not wealthy man mind you, nor do I want to be, but I do have a wealth of customers whom are now personal friends when I leave. While following a lot of low quality installations, and customers whom are disatified from the previous electricians that charged them way to much for the value they recieved, not to mention the complaints about them being arrogant, not trustworthy, and left the customer with a bad taste about re-using them again....

So.... now that I think about it, maybe your correct in your statement about me not being a business man. In fact Im flattered by that statement. Why?, because it seperates me from someone whom is trying to maximize profits while providing less and less value for the customer. I do "Pride" myself in being community minded, and doing what I think is best for the overall good of everyone, not what's best for my so called mark-up margins. I have no desire to be a business man, Im more of a tradesman providing a talent to those whom need it...and the money exchanged is just a form of trading talent for talent to meet my needs

And... I think this thread has gone on enough, I thank everyone for the responses to my original question...


Staff member
IMO there is a difference between taking the time to do it right and just plain old milking it because your trying to fill an eight hour day.

Of course there is, without a doubt.:smile:

But that is not what I am talking about and I bet Marc's not either

There is also a difference between using a more expensive wiring method for no other reason then self gratification or being honest with the customer and saying, "I can do this for less if you happy with this less expensive product".

Usually it doesn't take much longer or much more money to put a little thought and effort into doing quality work.

I agree.

But bottom line, as much as I enjoy my work I am in it for the money, I would not do 40 hours a week just so I could brag how good my jobs look.


Senior Member
I guess since i don't get paid to worry about the next guy, i am not going to.

Don't be that guy ^

Be careful. Kharma is real.

I get paid to do the best job possible. I will often spend a few minutes doing someone else's job. It just makes sense to me.

If you think about the work, the money will be there. It IS important to bid properly. I will take on any job challange if I am getting paid well.


Staff member

With all due respect, I wont make any like comments towards you because its not in my blood,or at least Im resisting the urge, but I will say, your quite wrong,

Say whats on your mind but your comments already have proved that your more concerned with your reputation then your money. Great if your happy good for you but I don't see it as great advice for those that want to run a business as a business.

So.... now that I think about it, maybe your correct in your statement about me not being a business man. In fact Im flattered by that statement. Why?, because it seperates me from someone whom is trying to maximize profits while providing less and less value for the customer.

OK so now we are back to the "I am better then all the rest" Got it.

Don't try to spin this into how the rest of us provide less value. Value relates to the price paid, if you do the job for $1,000 and I come in and do it for $500 using less expensive methods does not automatically mean the customer got less value, they may have gotten more value for less money.

Look, you run your own business and you are certainly free to run it how you choose but don;t try to stand up on soap box here and say your way is the only 'right way' and all others are somehow under you.

To each their own.


Senior Member
New England
There is also a difference between using a more expensive wiring method for no other reason then self gratification or being honest with the customer and saying, "I can do this for less if you happy with this less expensive product".


I agree 100% iwire. If you look out for your customer and try to save them money and do quality clean work and make money in the process it's a win win situation.

Like 220/221 said "Kharma is real."


Senior Member
Value relates to the price paid, if you do the job for $1,000 and I come in and do it for $500 using less expensive methods does not automatically mean the customer got less value, they may have gotten more value for less money.

Your wrong again....Im usually the guy whom does it for the $500 and does it with a higher quality of installation...While the guy that would have charged them $1000 will screw their socks off...Youve got me all wrong, my freind.

You know.. you just cant relate to some one who thinks different, people whom think all about the money is the root of our problems IMO..This thread was supposed to be about being respectfull of other people when running conduit, and now people are labeling me as

"Stealing from the Customer"
"Not a business man"

And that's the thanks you get for trying to promote a "workman like manner"


Staff member
Your wrong again....Im usually the guy whom does it for the $500 and does it with a higher quality of installation...While the guy that would have charged them $1000 will screw their socks off...Youve got me all wrong, my freind.

I don't 'have you at all' I have no idea what your trying to say. It appears you feel we should all the best job possible and do it for as little money as possible.

You know.. you just cant relate to some one who thinks different, people whom think all about the money is the root of our problems IMO.

You obviously have more going on in your head then what we are talking about in this thread.

This thread was supposed to be about being respectfull of other people when running conduit, and now people are labeling me as

"Stealing from the Customer"
"Not a business man"

Imagine that, not everyone sees it like you see it. Freedom of choice is a great thing.


Senior Member
I don't 'have you at all' I have no idea what your trying to say. It appears you feel we should all the best job possible and do it for as little money as possible.

You obviously have more going on in your head then what we are talking about in this thread.

Imagine that, not everyone sees it like you see it. Freedom of choice is a great thing.

I have nothing else to say.....I've said it....We are going in circles, and its going no where....I never said "for as little money as possible", there we go again about the money...


Senior Member
And that's the thanks you get for trying to promote a "workman like manner"

I don't think anyone is saying that you shouldn't do quality work but trying to say that the last guy was wrong for not making your job easy doesn't make much sense.

If he really wanted to make the job that you are hired to do easy he would have ran spare conduit. If he bid the job then he wasn't paid to make some future job easy. If the company wanted to make a future job easy they would have put it in the job Specs.

The people that dropped the ball here is the company that you are working for. If they provided drawing that allow for future expansion I'm sure the last contractor would have ran the conduit in any manner requested in the job specs.

peter d

Senior Member
New England
Right! Especially since 90% of customers don't know the difference between a job well done, and job simply done. All most people know is that the light goes on when they flip the switch, or the machine runs when they hit GO.

That sums up my mindset to a "T." Yet so many electricians/EC's are caught up in the mentality that everything must be perfect all the time just so they can say what a nice job they did and put decals on panels. ;) And to be honest, that motivation to do perfect, beautiful art work all the time drives me crazy.

Of course I'm not saying we should do lousy work. I think Marc once said that "good enough is usually good enough" or something to that affect. I wholeheartedly agree.

peter d

Senior Member
New England
I have nothing else to say.....I've said it....We are going in circles, and its going no where....I never said "for as little money as possible", there we go again about the money...

You started the topic. You commented on the topic. Other people chimed in...that's how it works around here. Things didn't go the way you had hope to apparently.
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