I started writing up a procedure for doing the calculation when you have a random map of lamps connected on a circuit (rather than all in a line). Unfortunately figuring out how to properly size the neutral makes things much more complex. So please treat the below as a very rough draft to support someone else figuring out the detailed method
another way is to work backwards. Figure out an acceptable voltage drop of the longest run assuming you start at the first fixture (no home runs) Like 1.5% Then figure out the wire size required between all three coming together and the source. There are so many ways you can arrive at a igure that you just have to pick one.
I am going to take this as the jumping off point for describing a much more involved, but much more accurate approach to this.
For the actual design, the distances and amperages are not nearly as uniform and there are separate branches off of the main run of conduit. I wouldn't be able to group them together so easily in terms of distance and amperage. Would I add each light at their actual distances and divide the distance and amperage each by 3?
In this approach you are using the _one way_ voltage drop calculation. When you use the 'one way' equation you need to first figure out the total wire distance (both hot and neutral added up) that feeds a particular load. Since you have shared neutral portions, you also need to figure out which parts of the neutral 'don't count' in the distance.
Step 1: determine your allowed voltage drop. This is 277V * 0.03 = 8.3V.
Step 2: draw a map of your layout, with segment distances shown and labeled with the load current and phase. Make this map large because you will be putting a bunch of notations on it.
Step 3: for each segment, figure out the net neutral current, and label it with the 'phase' that dominates. So a 'leg' to a lamp on the B phase has neutral current that is 'B' dominant; a segment feeding 3 lamps distributed on phases A,B,C has 0 neutral current, etc.
Step 4: calculate the 1 way 'hot' distance to each load separately, by starting at the source and going through each segment in turn to the load and adding that segment length.
Step 5: calculate the 1 way 'neutral' distance to each load separately, by starting at the source and going through each segment in turn to the load, and adding that segment length if its neutral current is dominated by the phase of the load. (So if you are going to a phase B load, but the neutral current is net on phase A, phase C, or 0, then you don't count the length of that segment. This is an approximation for 2 reasons: if the neutral current is dominated by a different phase then you actually get a voltage increase, and here I am not accounting for reduced voltage drop when only part of the total B load shows up as net neutral current.)
Step 6: add up the total 1 way distance for each load. Apply your '1 way' voltage drop equation: CMil = K/Vd * 1 way distance. This is the required CMil to properly serve each load
Step 7: For each segment, total up the CM required for each load on each phase.
Step 8: For each segment, size the neutral to match the largest phase conductor.
Now you have a table of the minimum CMil requirements for voltage drop. Go back and adjust for _code_ requirements, eg minimum conductor size for OCPD, no smaller than required EGC, etc.