Placing such a document in ones face is not going to get you more work. It is not being very diplomatic. There must be a softer way to protect oneself!
I'm sorry you have this extremely erroneous vision of how I operate. Apparantly you feel I run around like Chicken Little at the slightest violation.
I don't open a panel, see #12 aluminum on a 20 a breaker, then turn around and demand someone sign the form while I chamber a round.
I explain to the best of my abilities the problems I see to the owner (or whoever), and what the hazards are. If they simply flat-out refuse to fix it, there's not much I can do about it. If it's something simple, like a broken receptacle, no, I'm not even going to bother with the form.
But if I see some #14s tapped under the main lugs feeding the electic range, then yes, I will do my best to get them to correct the situation. If they refuse, I calmly (take note of that word, please!) expain that I am going to request (again, take note of that word as well!) they sign the form for my own protection.... I don't want them suing me after their house burns down and claiming I didn't inform them of the safety hazard.
If they refuse, then I simply (please, again, note that word) note such on the form and thank them (again, another 'soft' word!) and leave.
As for getting more work, why on earth do you think I would want such a cheapskate as a customer?