get that you want to argue trig with Rbalex when you think it supports your points. I
get that you want to claim they're not relevant when they don't support your points. I
get that most people don't revert to mathematics beyond addition and subtraction when debating single phase power. And I
get that you want to mark a ruler in the middle with 0cm and at the ends as 6cm<0 and 6cm<180. I
get that you want to draw your phasors for the ruler one to the left and one to the right. And I
get that you want to perform the math as (since the phasors are tail to tail):
6cm<0 - 6cm<180 = 12cm
get that you don't want to perform the math identity from the math discipline called trigonometry to apply sin(n+180) = -sin(n+0) because that means
6cm<0 + 6cm<0 = 12cm
and it shows they have the same phase by a definition YOU provided earlier in this thread.