Worst service call ever.

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bikeindy said:
Thanks I was eating Ice Cream
Hope it wasnt chocolate icecream.
I had a similar call at a womens house who saved my life in a motorcycle crash she drove me to the hospital at 120 mph and when i looked at my chest I could actually see my heart beating in my chest which was riped open badly.
so I kind of felt I owed her at least a service call. Her audi was drenched in blood.
2 -140 lb st bernards in basement feces and urine to the ceiling and someone built a fish pond for coys in front of panel. 4' high block wall with pool liner added and fill with water. Add fish and some filters.
I put a couple of planks across and crawled out on my belly panel cover was about 1 inch above planks . As i was trying to remove panel screws I noticed all of the fish (BIG FISH) were watching me on the planks .
I got the cover off then I said to myself What the heck are you doing????
I put the cover back on and said call me when the fish are gone.
How far do you go for someone who saved your life????
How far do you go for someone who saved your life????

If this guy had driven me to the hospital while I could see my heart beating I would have called in a cleaning crew, a counsellor and a dietician after I got his AC up and running. Then I would have replaced his panel and gotten him a "date".
Thank You For The Laugh!

Thank You For The Laugh!

You gotta have a sense of humor to do service calls. I needed that, got the oxygen flowing to the brain this morning. Had to crawl through varmit droppings yesterday. Going to go pick up a bottle of vicks this morning.
quogueelectric said:
I had a similar call at a womens house who saved my life in a motorcycle crash she drove me to the hospital at 120 mph and when i looked at my chest I could actually see my heart beating in my chest which was riped open badly.
How far do you go for someone who saved your life????

If someone saved my life I guess I would rewire her whole house for free if that's what she wanted. It's kind of hard to put a price on a thing like that. After all she didn't say call me when you stop bleeding.
Vicks is the tip of the day!

I cleaned the meat dept at the local grocery store (in high school)
(it paid well) so I can handle most stuff and I do see (and smell) some real winners

so I can stand a lot - but I think I will get some Vicks for an emergency
220/221 said:
If this guy had driven me to the hospital while I could see my heart beating I would have called in a cleaning crew, a counsellor and a dietician after I got his AC up and running. Then I would have replaced his panel and gotten him a "date".

There is a great joke about a situation like this if I can remember it.

A salesman from the city was peddling his wares in the country when he noticed a pig with a peg leg and just had to ask the farmer why.

Salesman to farmer, "why does that pig have a peg leg"?

Farmer, " three years ago that pig saved my daughter's life, she was drowning and the pig jumped in and pulled her to safety"

Salesman, " but why does that peg have a peg leg"?

Farmer, " two years ago the house was on fire and the pig came and got me in the field so I was able to return in time to save my wife's life".

Salesman, " again, why does that pig have a peg leg".

Farmer, " about a year ago I had a heart attack working down at the barn and the pig went and got my wife so she could call the paramedics, saved my life".

Saleman, " you still haven't answered my question, why does that pig have a peg leg".

Farmer, " Mr. Salesman you just don't eat a pig like that all at once".
quogueelectric said:
Call me crazy but if the fish werent staring at me I probably would have continued. The fish REALLY freaked me out. I am still not over it.
Says the crazy, white chainsaw boy. Thugs? No problem. Coy? Run For Your Lives! :grin:
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