Worst service call ever.

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Do you think the bottle of Febreeze helped?
electricalperson said:
why would anyone drink keystone light thats like the worst beer

Judging by the condition of the property, I'd say they didn't exactly have a lot of money to throw around to buy the finest beer.
peter d said:
Judging by the condition of the property, I'd say they didn't exactly have a lot of money to throw around to buy the finest beer.
i would drink pabst blue ribbon over keystone light anyway. PBR is one of my favorite beers and its actually cheaper. around here its like 9.99 for an 18 pack. 1 dollar cans at the bar cant be beat
but on a serious note were people actually living at that house? if so i dont know how people can live in conditions like that. sad thing is that sometimes people who live in these houses are pretty picky about leaving messes. i worked in a house once that was an absolute hell hole. old food on the floor and table and paths carved out in the garbage so you can walk. trash bags waist deep and it smelled horrible. i left a little sheetrock dust on the floor and they called the boss and complained :confused:
Yep, it's a deer skin, and yes I believe there were people living there.
It's difficult to say if those were the conditions they were living under though, I think some kids had been partying in there while it was vacant.

Unlike this little jewel, that still had fish swimming in the tank, so it must not have been vacant long.
Actually, it wasn't really vacant if you count the giant rats that also live there.




Sorry, didn't get any pics of the basement and mechanicals. I didn't go down there as it was getting dusk, and I didn't have the scattergun with me. I also didn't get an accurate count on the rats - I ran out of fingers, and I dang sure wasn't taking my shoes off to keep counting. :grin:

I'm 6'1" tall, weigh 288 lbs., I had a metal broom handle and Streamlight UltraStinger in my left hand and a pistol in my right. I swapped the pistol for a camera long enough to snap a pic in each room.

Funny, none of the neighbors came over to see what I was doing! :wink:
electricalperson said:
but on a serious note were people actually living at that house? if so i dont know how people can live in conditions like that. sad thing is that sometimes people who live in these houses are pretty picky about leaving messes. i worked in a house once that was an absolute hell hole. old food on the floor and table and paths carved out in the garbage so you can walk. trash bags waist deep and it smelled horrible. i left a little sheetrock dust on the floor and they called the boss and complained :confused:
Typical. :roll:
electricalperson said:
but on a serious note were people actually living at that house? if so i dont know how people can live in conditions like that. sad thing is that sometimes people who live in these houses are pretty picky about leaving messes. i worked in a house once that was an absolute hell hole. old food on the floor and table and paths carved out in the garbage so you can walk. trash bags waist deep and it smelled horrible. i left a little sheetrock dust on the floor and they called the boss and complained :confused:
I know what you mean. Sometimes you almost hate to clean up, because you'll leave a clean spot that will stick out like a sore thumb. Little worry, however. I'm happy to do work for people who live like pigs, but history shows that they are very very seldom a repeat customer. I'll do their work and take their money, but I don't worry so much about trying to impress them by any means.
mdshunk said:
You know, I never gave it a thought, but I have meggered pond pumps and pond heaters with fish in the pond. I'm not sure why I never realized that until you mentioned it. I don't think I've stunned any fish that I know of. I've found plenty of "leaky" pond equipment, but I guess not leaky enough for the fish to pay much mind.

I can see it now, the fish see you coming and they are all saying "OH here we go again!" then the water turns color because you zapped the doo out of em. :grin:

Roaches and fleas

Roaches and fleas

Ive been in houses where the large black spot on the kitchen floor under the refridgerator were hundreds of little roaches and you dont see them for what they were till they start moving apart. Or where the owner is trying to tell you what the problem is in the panel where the roaches are falling off the ceiling and onto you and out of the panel and into your tools. You turn around and see them circling the owners Mcdonalds soda cup lip like a race track as she reaches for the straw. What do you say? (Yes she was wearing a Moomoo and slippers)
Crawling under the house and the fleas are rolling up your arms and legs like a black plague and you dont realize it in the dark till they start hitting your eye lashes. Could never find that problem Im afraid, but I did try to look.
All true and personal. ugh. Gota have a sense of humor.
Worst job I ever did was a service call to a woman's house when I opened the front gate it hit me by time I was on the porch I was think what to heck, when she opened the door it hit me like a freight train. This woman had 26 miniature collies all living in the house, urinating and defecating on the hardwood floors. I almost tossed, I was able to repair a fixture and left. I told the boss never again.

For the other post being poor is no reason for living in filth.
Here is a home made recessed light that I pulled out from a job 2 years ago. This was installed over a shower. He could have just bought a $10 recessed light.

But No!! this "McGyver like" Side jobber had bigger plans. He made use of the items he had in back of his Red El Camino with white sport stripe

He decided that he was going to cut a 2' x 2' hole in the ceiling, then go into attic and suspend this masterpiece from a rafter above the hole.

Of course he then finished the job off using a leftover 2'x2' plastic lens from a fluorescent lay in (troffer) fixture, held in place with ... (you guessed it) Romex staples !! which he painstakingly painted white like the true artisan he was.


Rich R said:
Here is a home made recessed light that I pulled out from a job 2 years ago. This was installed over a shower. He could have just bought a $10 recessed light.


Wow, a real can light. :cool:
frizbeedog said:
Wow, a real can light. :cool:

bet that zip cord was in great condition inside that can.:smile:
but,hey, Juno had to start somewhere.
Worst call was for a good neighbor selling a rental complex who wanted me to see what needed to be done before it was sold. It had 4 units, it was just the one that made the rest look horrible. It was rented by a heavily medicated non-ambitious couch potato. I got plastered with flies when he opened the door. There was several pieces of meat, excuse me, raw green meat on the counter, guess he fell asleep and forgot to cook it, and forgot to throw it away everyday for the next month. I had to do the two-step and dodge all of the half-eaten chicken wings on the floor.

"Where's your electrical panel Sir?" Come over here son, I love getting called "son". He pulls back a blanket hanging from the ceiling as some sort of room divider, and there is the panel, with rain streaming out of the ceiling, running right down the panel. "Careful son, might not be safe to go near it, I never do.":roll:

Now for the report. "Let it go Judy, call your insurance adjuster yesterday and untie the knot." Give it to the city for a controlled burn. "You don't think I can salvage it for under $5000?":roll:

Burn it Judy, burn it:-?

I almost always remove my shoes at the door,(for resi), for the customer and a good first impression, I should of got hazmat pay for that one:cool:
I went on a job a year ago for my company to trouble shoot some lights, well we figured out it had to be a junctions box in the attic, i jump up their and was instantly cover in bat crap(guano), so i started across the attic( i only had a small flash light with me, half way across something hit me in the back of the head, i turn around and saw a bat on the insulation. I turn back and got a bigger light in the attic their was bats every where on the roof, I did finish the job but i don't get paid enough for that.
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