Would you allow your helper to do this

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Everyone can speculate without knowing all of the facts.

As far as the original question, "Would I let my helper do this ?" as far a standing in front of a panel with the cover off, That's what we do almost every day.
Although I would point out the dangers and advise them not to spend more time than necessary in that space.

If your going to work in an energized panel then you may need to suit up with the appropriate PPE.

As far as him standing on a bucket, I'd simply tell him to get down off there, I don't want you getting hurt.

I'd hope he'd realize and appreciate my concern, and maybe return the favor of reminding me one day.

So my take is this, someone told him to go do this, he's a helper and not a trained electrician, so somebody should have shown him what to do and how to do it. I know you have your own work to do, but he's a helper for a reason and if he's ever going to be any good at what he does, he needs to be taught.

He was told to do this and he is doing his best to get it accomplished so that he can please someone.

I see this more and more in this trade, everybody that's hiring want's someone who is already trained and how is that possible if no one is doing it?

I was taken under the wing of a gentleman when I was 19 or so and he taught me the trade, he knew I knew nothing yet took the time to teach me and I took the time to learn.
So my take is this, someone told him to go do this, he's a helper and not a trained electrician, so somebody should have shown him what to do and how to do it. I know you have your own work to do, but he's a helper for a reason and if he's ever going to be any good at what he does, he needs to be taught.

He was told to do this and he is doing his best to get it accomplished so that he can please someone.

I see this more and more in this trade, everybody that's hiring want's someone who is already trained and how is that possible if no one is doing it?

I was taken under the wing of a gentleman when I was 19 or so and he taught me the trade, he knew I knew nothing yet took the time to teach me and I took the time to learn.

Same here.
And that's made all the difference.

So my take is this, someone told him to go do this, he's a helper and not a trained electrician, so somebody should have shown him what to do and how to do it. I know you have your own work to do, but he's a helper for a reason and if he's ever going to be any good at what he does, he needs to be taught.

He was told to do this and he is doing his best to get it accomplished so that he can please someone.

I see this more and more in this trade, everybody that's hiring want's someone who is already trained and how is that possible if no one is doing it?

I was taken under the wing of a gentleman when I was 19 or so and he taught me the trade, he knew I knew nothing yet took the time to teach me and I took the time to learn.

Really key here. Maybe I'm just an old fart, or expect too much, but trying to get my kids to pay attention when I show them something can't be done. The day one of them says "Show me again, dad" I'll probably die of rapture.
Really key here. Maybe I'm just an old fart, or expect too much, but trying to get my kids to pay attention when I show them something can't be done. The day one of them says "Show me again, dad" I'll probably die of rapture.

Learn how to make extra points to get a new car or something on X-Box 360 and they'll start asking you to show them again. :)

So my take is this, someone told him to go do this, he's a helper and not a trained electrician, so somebody should have shown him what to do and how to do it. I know you have your own work to do, but he's a helper for a reason and if he's ever going to be any good at what he does, he needs to be taught.

He was told to do this and he is doing his best to get it accomplished so that he can please someone.

I see this more and more in this trade, everybody that's hiring want's someone who is already trained and how is that possible if no one is doing it?

I was taken under the wing of a gentleman when I was 19 or so and he taught me the trade, he knew I knew nothing yet took the time to teach me and I took the time to learn.
Seems to be getting harder to get the bold part out of many younger guys today. Those that do want to learn don't stick around very long once they do move up the success ladder - they want to go into business for themselves however soon licencing process allows them to do it. Which is ok, but then they find out they can't get any good help either;)
First thought.... No!

First thought.... No!

I really don't think this is safe but nobody's listening to me

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First, I don't have junk under open panels. So if he were just looking, I would say get the charger and bucket out from the panel area so I could get to it safely. If he asked me "Why do people bring multiple pipes/cables to the top of a panel, when they could set a trough above and nipple a few 2" x 24" pipes between them?" I would weep....
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