Everyone can speculate without knowing all of the facts.
As far as the original question, "Would I let my helper do this ?" as far a standing in front of a panel with the cover off, That's what we do almost every day.
Although I would point out the dangers and advise them not to spend more time than necessary in that space.
If your going to work in an energized panel then you may need to suit up with the appropriate PPE.
As far as him standing on a bucket, I'd simply tell him to get down off there, I don't want you getting hurt.
I'd hope he'd realize and appreciate my concern, and maybe return the favor of reminding me one day.
As far as the original question, "Would I let my helper do this ?" as far a standing in front of a panel with the cover off, That's what we do almost every day.
Although I would point out the dangers and advise them not to spend more time than necessary in that space.
If your going to work in an energized panel then you may need to suit up with the appropriate PPE.
As far as him standing on a bucket, I'd simply tell him to get down off there, I don't want you getting hurt.
I'd hope he'd realize and appreciate my concern, and maybe return the favor of reminding me one day.