New Blood

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I think the main problem is the parenting.

I agree,, Lets throw the parents in a burning volcano... or make them be electricians.

My boss never looks over my shoulder or even looks at my work at times. Pleasing to the eye and to spec. That never seems to fail. I don't think I have ever heard my boss say "as the crow flies" or even a business owner.

After seeing my buddy get nailed when he uncapped some wires I twist them together. money or no money I would walk off a job if my boss told me to wire them up that way. My buddy now has a hole in his finger. I am surprised they don't' make that code to twist wires.
I don't think I have ever heard my boss say "as the crow flies" or even a business owner.

Then I gather you've never worked a fast paced, tight budget commercial job.

My point in all this is that some of you seem so narrow minded that you cannot consider that there is a time and place for running cables quickly in the shortest route possible. You seem like you can consider one, and only one, way of doing things. So I guess you must really be electricians then. :D
After seeing my buddy get nailed when he uncapped some wires I twist them together. money or no money I would walk off a job if my boss told me to wire them up that way. My buddy now has a hole in his finger. I am surprised they don't' make that code to twist wires.

First, why did he take apart live wires? It's his fault that he took apart a live connection and got injured. (I'm assuming by "got nailed" that you mean the connection was live.)

Second, if that happened, the connection was not made up properly in the first place. The instructions that come with Ideal connectors explicitly say to twist on the connector until two twists become visible in the wire, when pretwisting is not used.
Then I gather you've never worked a fast paced, tight budget commercial job.

My point in all this is that some of you seem so narrow minded that you cannot consider that there is a time and place for running cables quickly in the shortest route possible. You seem like you can consider one, and only one, way of doing things. So I guess you must really be electricians then. :D

I have and my boss mans up the job. Id consider the other way but its not required of me.
To each their own. That's why I can't work with anybody now...electricians are way too stubborn. :D

You advocate doing sloppy work based on the premise that being cost affective is more important than being neat and workman like.

Their is a place for sloppy work, it is called the compitition.
You advocate doing sloppy work based on the premise that being cost affective is more important than being neat and workman like.

Sure, whatever you say. :roll:

I never once said to do sloppy work. I advocate doing code compliant work, not sloppy work. Are you aware that you can run cables as the crow flies and still be code compliant? Furthermore, "neat and workmanlike" is vague and unenforceable.
Sure, whatever you say. :roll:

I never once said to do sloppy work. I advocate doing code compliant work, not sloppy work. Are you aware that you can run cables as the crow flies and still be code compliant? Furthermore, "neat and workmanlike" is vague and unenforceable.

you can be code compliant and still be sloppy ,code is MINIMUM standards."neat and workmanlike" can be inforced its known as "you'r fired"
if an EC decided to base his business around proving professional looking neat work is that a bad thing?

Cost is the primary thing that is on people's mind these days. Hence why McDonald's, Burger King and WalMart are thriving right now.

The trouble with your line of thought is that it's not adaptable enough. You have to be willing to do neat and professional looking as well as down and dirty. The budget does not always allow you to do things the way you like. You need to provide "good, better and best" options and let the customer choose the one they want.
Pete, I'm going to get you a pet rock to argue with. :D

Reality check time, kids and old alike: This discussion is not going to change the routing of a single pipe or cable, I can virtually guarantee. With my opinion based upon that argument, I am going to move along, to keep from slapping a premature padlock on this ostensibly irrelevant thread. :)
Pete, I'm going to get you a pet rock to argue with. :D

Reality check time, kids and old alike: This discussion is not going to change the routing of a single pipe or cable, I can virtually guarantee. With my opinion based upon that argument, I am going to move along, to keep from slapping a premature padlock on this ostensibly irrelevant thread. :)

You're really cold hearted George.
you can be code compliant and still be sloppy ,code is MINIMUM standards."neat and workmanlike" can be inforced its known as "you'r fired"

The first think I would like to do is apologize to the moderator for calling him Fidel Castro. That wasn't nice, I sorry. Second, I agree with Mr. Ozarks. I hate having to untwist a wire nut hot and pray that the wires are some what twisted together. Anybody who has been in the trade long enough knows that sometimes you can't turn the circuit off. As for Peter D, I agree with you, when the bottom line is the bottom line you have to push the time saving items.
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