For protection of the transformer bank input. 26.59A @208V, 26.59 x 1.25= 33.24A Lowest over current protection device, for full input capacity.
So you would need a 35 or 40A fuse, on the input. A 40A would be better to prevent nuisance trips on energizing. 26.59A x 1.5= 39.88A
The output current is rated at 3Φ 3W 240V @ 23.05A, so you could protect it at 23.05A x 1.25= 28.81A or 30A for the full output capacity.
Two small .75KVA transformers , results in 9.58KVA 240V 3Φ 3W, worth of capacity. Seems a bit untrue, when compared to an isolation style transformer. But the rub is, only the secondary winding, (the amount of CHANGE in voltage) is really doing most of the work. The amount of current on the secondary windings, is the limiting factor of KVA rating.
With an open delta, you should divorce yourself from the idea of a neutral reference voltage. It's a delta, there is no true neutral.
Neither does it have a center tap, for a neutral.
Its an autotransformer bank, so the input is common with the output. No isolation, directly connected. That means that the equipment grounding conductor, is common to both sides.
Larry was doing a fine job with presenting the math, so I'll let him continue onward.
Remember, all of this math is theoretical.
We first need to know if we're feeding 208v to a primary rated for 240v. If so, the ratio gives us 0.8667, so the secondary output will be 0.8667 x the 12 or 24 volts, or 0.8667 x the 16 or 32 volts, then add that derived voltage to the incoming line-to-line voltage.
So, let's say we have 208v L-L, and we want the highest voltage we can get. We feed a 120/240v-16/32v BB with 240v primary with 208v, giving us a secondary of (0.8667 x 32) 27.7344v, which added to 208v gives is 235.7v. That should be line-to-line-to-line.
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, theory and practice are very different.