How many of those people have dug into the fine print information...the information that is out there, but not easy to find? From day one, if you dug into the available information, even the information from the manufacturers, you found a different story from the one that was put out to the CMP and the public. If you just look at the information they want you to see, any reasonable person would support the AFCI rules. However when you start digging, it just doesn't appear that they really can do what they want us to believe that can do.
The biggest issue for me, and the reason I don't trust any of the AFCI information from any of the manufacturers or groups like NEMA, is the fact that the original proposals were not even close to being factual. The original proposals told us that the AFCI device at that time would do what they now tell us the combination AFCI device will do...the only problem those original proposals were some 12 to 13 years prior to the existing of the combination type AFCI. Based on that, I have zero trust in any AFCI information from any manufacturer, and have a strong mistrust of manufactured supplied information.