I'm going to agree with you that we seem to have a fundamental disagreement on the following points, which I will state from your point of view:
OK, I seem to have failed on 3 out of 4 of these points, good to know, that was part of the idea. So let's see if we can improve things:
1) That silence in the code implies grandfathering. [That is the only reference of yours I found as far as grandfathering language.]
OK, it's not the silence that implies the grandfathering, the silence is neutral. So where's the explicit grandfathering language? A "path through 406.4(D)(1)" is not explicit grandfathering language. The single use of the phrase "grounding means" in 406.4(D)(1) is not explicit grandfathering language.
BTW, most of the time when you say "asked and answered" I have no idea what part of what post you feel is a direct response to my question, as this thread is long, and what looks to you like a direct answer to my question looks to me like an indirect answer or avoiding the question.
2) That 250.118 may be ignored unless specifically referenced by some other code passage.
No. Asked and answered in all that I have written about 406.4(D)(1)
My understanding of all of that is (a) you read 406.4(D)(1) in a way that never leads directly to 250.118 and (b) since 406.4(D)(1) doesn't lead you to 250.118, it doesn't apply. How is that different from what I wrote? How about if I amend that to "For an existing installations, 250.118 may be ignored unless specifically referenced by some other code passage."? That kind of puts it back with the point (1) about grandfathering, so maybe this not a separate point.
3) That the use of the phrase "grounding means" in 406.4(D)(1) means something broader than EGC, and modifies later use of the phrase EGC.
406.4(D)(1), in stating "Where a grounding means EXISTS". . . is deliberately crafting a phase to encompass EXISTING Branch Circuits installed to the Code in effect at the time of their installation.
OK, I get that is your idea. Can we agree that "EGC" normally means what its article 100 definition says, and that since the definition references 250.118, it only means those things listed in 250.118? Hence my statement that your position is "That the use of the phrase "grounding means" in 406.4(D)(1) means something broader than EGC." Is that part incorrect?
The fact that you go on to say that the phrase "grounding means" in 406.4(D)(1) is what the later term "EGC" in 406.4(D)(1) refers to, rather than its usual definition, is why I wrote "and modifies later use of the phrase EGC." Is that part incorrect?
Or are you saying that the use of the phrase "grounding means" has the effect that for the purposes of receptacle replacement only, the existing "grounding means" may be treated as an EGC? If so, that's a pretty specific and powerful effect for an undefined term used nowhere previously in the NEC. I really can't buy that, but we can agree to disagree.
I really do want to get this right, so I understand your position, it is possible I'm misunderstanding.
BTW, is there any way to fairly easily see the entire history of 406.4(D)(1) through the ages?
Cheers, Wayne