electrician tricks

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LarryFine said:
Everyone relates to questions and comments with their own experience, which is why many questions create more questions than answers sometimes.

Right -

We always need to stop and apply a little common sense before replying because of this fact.

I generally try to keep my responses short and sweet, not offend by people by comparing them to cubs or newbies and not nit-pick others posts to death. But, I'm learning ;):D
As far as dealing with the heat, try a polypro (under armor) style of ling sleeve moisture wicking shirt. They can work wonders in both hot and cold!

I was also going to mention putting a piece of painters tape close to where you want to mark, and mark on that. Or use a piece of chalk.
A roll of 2" Painters Tape is a must, I usually pick up the end of rolls left by the painters and put them in my truck. While a stud finder is good I usually wind up relying on my trusty Icepick. I picked up a Stainless one at a flea market several years ago for a buck or so. White latex paintable caulk works well for filling in the little holes it makes.
Several pieces of thick carpet about two ft. wide and several different lengths (2, 4, & 6 ft) come in really handy when you need padding under you for floor work or flipped over for counter top protection, or to protect wood floors from my ladders feet. I have another ratty piece of scrap that I put by the door to the pool deck or etc to wipe my feet off when I have to go in and out across a painted patio.
Then there is the 10 ft. piece of chain for dropping down through walls for wire pulls. Along with an assortment of small non-electrical tools to make the tough jobs easier like an extendable mirror and magnetic pick up tool.

Remember - Speed Kills and its not always you.
electrician tricks

Just think this way.. your paying for the weather and you will save money in the winter on heating bills, vehicle repair because of the terrible roads and salt in the Northeast, time off work because it is too cold or too much snow to work, medical bills from the family getting sick with the flu, the lack of sunshine (that will get you sick too), buying kerosene for the torpedo heater on the job site ..the pay cut will average itself out and your body will feel so much better!! This will be my LAST winter in Ohio, I'm moving south in the spring!!
larry depends on cold..my father he likes to fish from the seat of his truck so it is righout side the door..I have an otter fish house..

On long conduit pulls I like to tape a piece of cloth to the fish tape and put extra lub on it..it works kind of like lubbing a gun barrel..

I also attach a rag to the fish tape before pushing the tape through the conduit just to help clean the debrie out of the pipe..I use new piece of cloth for cleaning the pipe and a different one for lubing the pipe..
Just think this way.. your paying for the weather and you will save money in the winter on heating bills, vehicle repair because of the terrible roads and salt in the Northeast, time off work because it is too cold or too much snow to work, medical bills from the family getting sick with the flu, the lack of sunshine (that will get you sick too), buying kerosene for the torpedo heater on the job site ..the pay cut will average itself out and your body will feel so much better!! This will be my LAST winter in Ohio, I'm moving south in the spring!!

Amen brother, I flew south last winter and am never going back. Y'all come on down.

I was removing lead paint but you get the idea.

Ever notice how a handsome man looks good in anything he throws on?
Try this for removing the insulation from your skin.

Use a pair of women's nylon hoisery (steal a pair from your wife) to wipe the insulation off.
A couple of swipes with the fine mesh will do it.

As far as locating the centers on can lights, I use the same method as Larryfine described.

After locating all the centers, I tape the paper patterns (that come with the light) to the ceiling and have the homeowner give it a OK before making a cut.
This lets them see exactly where the lights will be, and make any changes beforehand.

On new construction, I'm the one that decides where they are placed....unless I have plans that show location, or someone with more authority than me tells me where they are supposed to be.:smile:

does anybody know any tricks about marking painted celings for recess lights? sometimes a pencil doesnt erase all the way or if its pressed too hard it damages the paint.

what about keeping insulation off your skin so its not uncomfortable to crawl around attics? i was in hell today. lying down across joists 2 feet on center through blown in insulation.

also feel free to post all your favorite tricks and secrets that you like to use :)

I use blue painters tape, and I place it roughly where I want the can. It is also a good way for the customer to get an idea of the layout. I then measure exactly, move the tape, and then pencil the tape. check for clearence, and then drill away.
Level stud finder

Level stud finder

I use my torpedo level with the rare earth magnets. blue tape on the base and slide it on the wall up and down parrallel with the studs. when you pass over a screw/nail, the magnet will catch. plaster usually does not work. It works well on the ceiling too.
I always use painters tape for marking out my ceiling grids, first on the floor if I can then laser plumb up to tape on the ceiling.
Although a while ago a HO musta had some really cheap paint on the ceiling because I lightly marked with pencil on the painters tape and when I pulled the tape off the pencil mark area pulled the paint off leaving a litte X on the ceiling :mad:

Other tips-
When cutting through plaster I rotozip through the plaster and then cut the lath by hand, cut one side most of the way through, then cut the other side that way you minimize the amount of potential long vibration strokes you have while cutting it.

Always take your time, and be aware of your surroundings. No matter how good of a job you do, no matter how great it turns out- if you poke one screw through an upper cabinet mounting a UC fixture, or chip a plaster wall while cutting in an outlet, or drop your kleins on their hard wood floor. That one mistake will be the one thing they will remember when they get the bill.
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