electrician tricks

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As fot insulation the best solutions is to hire a helper. I find using a drafting pencil and drafting eraser very helpful to remove lines. Deluth Trading company makes the best stud finder I've seen. It is a magnet cover in plastic so you can move it across sheetrock and it attaches to the screws or nails. I've even had it catch vents in walls.
I use my torpedo level with the rare earth magnets. blue tape on the base and slide it on the wall up and down parrallel with the studs. when you pass over a screw/nail, the magnet will catch. plaster usually does not work. It works well on the ceiling too.

Great idea...I'll have to try that.:smile:

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This is a very handy for getting the circle scored on the drywall and beats the heck out of trying to tape templates on the ceiling.
Unless, of course, the lady of the house says "No, I don't like them there."

I use a Greenlee 6-3/8" hole saw with an 8" plastic potted-plant pan as a dust catcher.

And I use a 24" extension with it. It's a lot easier to control with the extension than without it.
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i got the hole in one cutter for cutting recess lights in sheetrock celings. it has a hard plastic bowl and a good cutter that expands to around 10 inches. its not like that cheap greenlee recess light cutter
I use a Greenlee 6-3/8" hole saw with an 8" plastic potted-plant pan as a dust catcher.

That's what I use as well - but I use a tupperware bowl with a hole in the bottom instead of the plant pan. (Good idea though!)

I also have various other size hole saws for different size recess, 8B old works, fan boxes, etc.

And I use a 24" extension with it. It's a lot easier to control with the extension than without it.

Hmmmmm, have to give that one a try....
That's what I use as well - but I use a tupperware bowl with a hole in the bottom instead of the plant pan. (Good idea though!)

i got the hole in one cutter for cutting recess lights in sheetrock celings. it has a hard plastic bowl and a good cutter that expands to around 10 inches. its not like that cheap greenlee recess light cutter

I use a Greenlee 6-3/8" hole saw with an 8" plastic potted-plant pan as a dust catcher.

And I use a 24" extension with it. It's a lot easier to control with the extension than without it.
Greenlee make an adjustable hole saw for recessed cans. It's okay, if you're on a budget. At this point in time, I've accumulated the "real" hole saw for nearly every size recessed can. The Rack-A-Teers "Driller's Dust Bowl" is a really nice accessory!

That's what I use. Cheaper than the commercially-available stuff, too!
I think the driller's dust bowl was something like 9 bucks at a counter day free lunch thing that the Rack-a-Tiers rep was putting on. I think I ate enough hot dogs, chips, and soda to make it cost me about a dollar. ;)
I think the driller's dust bowl was something like 9 bucks at a counter day free lunch thing that the Rack-a-Tiers rep was putting on. I think I ate enough hot dogs, chips, and soda to make it cost me about a dollar. ;)

I have basketballs blow into my yard all the time from the park across the street from me. And they're free!

And I don't clog up my arteries eating pig lips & tails.:D
Thats the perfect alter-ego for a crank screwdriver. Can clearance tool.

a piece of #6 wire bent, with ends cut to the right length, is
a perfect can snoodling tool... make an awl hole, and swiing
the thing around... cut one end long enough for 4" cans and
the other end for 5" cans....

as for cutting holes, i have 3 of these, set for 3 sizes of can


this one's sold by nora, but you can get the identical same
thing elsewhere for about $70

they are screamingly fast, like a hole in 15 or 20 seconds.

this one's sold by nora, but you can get the identical same thing elsewhere for about $70

they are screamingly fast, like a hole in 15 or 20 seconds.
The $45-at-HD holesaw I use takes about 8 to 10 seconds and fits a standard hole-saw arbor, and the plastic potted-plant pan is cheap and crystal-clear, and doesn't mar the ceiling.
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