forensic analysis
forensic analysis
ok gang here it is. As I see it, rattus's teaser problem has made his position clear. I think it is a valid position and all of the currents and voltages work correctly.
To see if this thread might be able to reach a conclusion, we have to see if the OP has been delt with. If you will bear with me, I think a "forensic" analysis might be in order or I don't see how we are ever going to get to the end:
1) In ancient times, from #88 rattus was responding to #86 and said: "Just trying to demonstrate that V1n and V2n exhibit a phase difference of 180 degrees". Rattus has done that here. No problem. Rattus gave V2 a 180 degree phase angle but also changed the polarity so the circuit is not compromised and we have a working circuit. No problem. This is what had to be done. The polarity shift negated the 180 degree shift. No problem.
2) In ancient times, from #94 Jim did not appear to catch that what rattus meant. Rattus meant to express that he was keeping things in order by reversing the polarity on the 180 degree voltage. That was not explicitly stated back then. Rattus made it clear with the teaser circuit example here that this polarity change was on his mind. No problem.
3) In ancient times, from #96 rattus replied back to Jim. I have read this post several times. Just based on the post alone, I could not follow what rattus was saying. I don't know if it was the wording, the terminology, or just my ignorance, but I could not get it. BUT. Based on what we have learned here, it would appear rattus was trying to express the things that have been cleared up here. I see no value in trying to go back and re-state that post or interprete it, as we now clearly know what rattus's position is, based on the teaser analysis here. The circuit works fine and the voltages and currents all work out. No problem.
4) In ancient times, from #97 Jim continued to ask rattus about the currrent and voltages being out of phase. It was not clear then but it should be clear now that it was just a misunderstanding. No problem.
5) In ancient times, from #100 rattus responded to #97. I could follow the sentence but this post could not stand on its own without some clarification. It appears to say something that won't hold up. But that is the problem. Without further information, we can't analyze what is meant here. What something APPEARS to say and what the author meant can be two different things. This post needed some additional info. BUT. Since we have now learned what rattus was trying to express about the voltage and current angles, I see no value in trying to fix this old post. We are now in possession of newer, better detailed information. This new information is correct. No problem.
6) This thread started with Jim wanting clarification on what was said before. What rattus said before was not clear. From here on out, this thread has been about trying to figure out what in the world was going on. Rattus had not made himself clear and Jim was trying to figure it out.
7) If there have been any errors posted in the past, I say forget it. We now know, by the teaser problem, what rattus's position is and that it is a valid position. We also understand it was not originally clear to Jim because rattus's explanation was lacking the detail needed. Rattus has now provided that detail.
Now can we move on to something else?
[edit: typo]