If this multi page monster is going to continue, how about if we try to describe some of the violations, and poor work we find when we are called to repair some of the moomlighters work.
When we get called on a job, where there are problems, we ask the homowner, if they know who did the work, some moved in, and the previous owner did the work, or had it done, and some will remember who did it, and when it was done.
Some of the work is so bad, and has so many violations, you can see it was done by someone with no electrical background, and then there are the ones that fool you, cables and or conduit neat, everything mounted plum, and level, but outlet spacing is off, sub panel may have the neutral bonded, sub feeder may be the wrong size, and cables are often run, without protection, after talking to the customers, you usually find it was a plant maint electrician, and they will be proud to tell you, the guy that did it, works for XXX Company, and i don't see how it can be wrong.
The consumer usually does not know, the difference, to them an electrician is an electrician.
In all these situations the consumer looses, and the moonlighter pockets the money.