There is a fault called ARCING GROUND FAULT. Most of the fault are actually not direct connected to ground in a solidly grounded system. This type of fault is when the insulation begins to deterioriate and fault is not yet as high as a direct single line to ground fault.
For this reason, the code requires a ground fault protection for OCPD of 1000 amps and more for system voltages of more than 150 volts to ground with a maximum setting of only 1200 amps. The current in this situation may not trip the circuit breaker without ground fault protection. If this ARCING GROUND FAULT happens inside the metal piece, it will increase the potential of the metal piece and if the EGC is not connected to the ground there is a big hazard of electric shock. If the metal piece is energized by the arcing ground fault and fault current is low enough not to trip the OCPD despite of the single line to ground fault then the only protection is the connection of the bonded EGC to earth.
This shows the importance of connecting to earth of the bonded EGC similar to the purpose of the connection of the bonded EGC in UNGROUNDED and HRG SYSTEM.