barbeer said:
There are a couple of flat rate shops here, they will charge a little old lady $150 to change a bad sp switch for 10 min. work. Maybe my compassion runs amuck but I couldn't do it!
Could you please explain how you can drive to a customer's home, meet with the customer, get your tools out, replace the switch, fill out the paper work, collect payment and drive to the next job in 10 minutes.
When you send an electrician out to change a switch in a customer's home do you only pay him for 10 minutes time for this?
Does he not get paid for his travel time when he does service calls?
Does he only get paid for his actual time replacing the switch?
What do you consider a fair price for driving out to a customer's home and replacing one switch?
How did you come up with this price?
Wanted. Electrician for service work. Job involves running service calls. You will be paid only for time actually replacing devices, making repairs or actually working with tools at the customer's home. You will not be paid for stocking the truck, any drive time, paper work time or talking with the customer. You can expect to complete about 8 ten minute jobs per day so you will get paid for approximately 80 minutes per day.
For me travel to the customer's home takes anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes one way. I spend at least a half hour at the customer's home by the time I've changed out the switch, filled out the invoice, listened to the customer talk about her grand kids, waited for her to find her check book and write the check.
In my opinion there is no such thing as a 10 minute service call.
Some of these little old ladies have more money than I will ever see in my lifetime.