Senior Member
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I have to add I disagree with the authors' implications in their figure (below)...
The authors state, "During the time interval corresponding to area "A", the source is delivering energy to the load,whereas during the time interval corresponding to area "B", a percentage of this amount of energy is being returned back to the source."
While their statement is not a complete fallacy, it erroneously implies that during the time interval corresponding to area "B" is the only time during which energy is being returned to the source. This implication is not true. At best, it is indicative only of some energy being returned to the source and is of the time interval of the leading half of energy being returned.
Referring to my latest chart below, my area "A" corresponds with the authors area "B". Pease note the overall hatched area with the line color cyan. The instantaneous magnitudes in this area are depicted by the "reactive power" waveform (dashed cyan). The time interval for both my areas "A" and "B" is the period which energy is being returned to the source, while the time interval corresponding to both my areas "C" and "D" is the period which energy is being stored by the load. There is only an instant between periods.
p = Vm*Im*cos(0v-0i)/2 + Vm*Im cos(0v - 0i)cos2wt/2 -
Vm*Im*sin(0v - 0i)sin2wt/2. ---------8
You can see that the
frequencey of the instantaneous power is twice the frequency of
the voltage or current. this observation also follows directly
from the second two terms on the right hand side of Eq 8.
Therefore, the instantaneous power goes through two complete
cycles for every cycle of either the voltage or the curren. Also
note that the instantaneous power may be negative for a portion
of each cycle even if the network between the terminals is
passive. In a completely passive network, negative power implies
that energy stored in the inductors or capacitors is now being