The OP is going to have more labor if he roughs in with NM cable then the inspector tells him it can't be embedded in concrete:happyyes:
I never said it would be cheaper to do the entire house with ENT, I said it can possibly be cheaper or at least about the same for certain portions or specific places. Get on the far end of the house from the service panel and have just one or two bedroom circuits in that area of the house and it will almost definitely be cheaper to use NM cable for "roping" the room(s). A long home run of multiple circuits may or may not be cheaper to use raceway methods. ENT is not all that great for long runs if not well supported, it tries to move when pulling conductors and can give troubles, people not used to running it will not know this and will forever curse it after having that happen. Long straight portions of runs is maybe better to use regular PVC conduit instead.
Running several NM cables where foam insulation will be applied or holes will be filled with it, can take extra labor in drilling extra holes and providing extra support and separation between cables, but rules for a raceway don't really change just because you will be using spray foam insulation, you can't disregard this fact either. You do have to consider cost of copper, cost of labor and cost of accessories not just how much per foot a raw cable costs vs how much per foot a raw raceway with same size and number of conductors inside costs. One could make home runs of 12-2 w gnd and use 8 cables with 16 conductors and 8 EGC's for a certain distance. Or one could use a single run of raceway, run MWBC's (AFCI requirements have taken a little bit of practicality out of this option, but maybe if we are running NM cable in a non dwelling.... which is possible, and no AFCI is required....) and still run 8 circuits using only 12 conductors plus one EGC (or use a metal raceway and no separate EGC) for the same group of home runs. Copper is high enough priced that it may be worth consideration, you would cut back on 7 EGC's in my example here. Now if the run needs a lot of bending and piecing it is probably not worth the labor, but if it is a simple enough run it very well may be less total cost then using NM cables.