I just don't understand the animosity on this subject. You guys make it out to be that everyone who does side work is working illegally. There is nothing illegal about what I do. I am properly licensed, insured, pull permits, pay taxes, I try to charge a fair price for the work I do (I am not intentionally low-balling anyone), the company I work for is strictly commercial/industrial so I am not stealing work from my employer, in fact I have passed on some leads that have worked out to be pretty good commercial accounts for us!
Some in this thread seem to think that because someone is not willing to risk it all by going into business full time that we are scum bags dragging the whole industry down. I am going to work for myself in the future, as for right now I am using the experience I am getting from doing side work (business experience, not electrical experience) as a tool to learn how to run a business, bid work effectively and not have to risk foreclosure on my house because I screwed up pricing on a couple of jobs and lost my shirt.
Maybe you think I'm taking advantage of my boss by using him as a security blanket and getting a guaranteed paycheck while I do work on the side nights and weekends, but the way I see it when he hired me I promised him an honest 40 hours of quality work every week (which he gets), and he promised me a 40 hour paycheck every week (which I get). I do not see the problem.
Yes, there are guys out there who do work unlicensed, don't pull permits, and do service changes for $800, but don't put me in that same category.
There are a few guys in here who need to get down off their soap box and think back to what it was like when they were trying to start out on their own. Everyone has to start somewhere and I will not jump blindly into full time self employment until I can limit the risk a little by gaining some more experience w/ bidding jobs and making a profit, and the only way to do that is by doing side work, work full time for someone else for some guaranteed money, and try and put away as much money as I can to make my goal a reality and be able to fund a business. I do realize that running a business is expensive, time consuming, and requires a lot of dedication and I hope I can prepare myself the best I can to try and limit some of the risk.