Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

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Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

Welcome to this thread?s Tri-Centennial! An unprecidented 300+ replies.
I would like to thank: benaround, jimwalker, shortcircuit2, charlie,
pysis,southernboys, hurk27, electricmanscott, georgestolz , allenwayne, mc5w ,
iwire, roger, jwelectric , macmikeman , sandsnow , peter d , amptech , kturner ,
apauling, necbuff , drg, dillon3c , 69boss302 (in order of appearance) for
contributing to this ?Train-Wreck? of a thread.
Without all of your 2-cents this topic may have never been resolved. But,
after reading and re-reading many of your posts, reviewing all the quoted
articles, sorting through the ugly details, considering all sides of the situation,
de-coding the NEC?s wording in both of their books, and keeping the NEC?s
intent in mind. I would like to announce that I have come to a conclusion.
Yep, it?s all crystal clear to Me now, and I am confident in my decision.
So, everyone can go back to whatever it was you were doing before you
read this topic. I don?t mean to be rude but you?ve all outstayed your
welcome, and now I?m going to have to ask all of you to leave. It?s been swell,
and Thanks again. You don?t have to go home but you can?t stay here.
Last one out, shut off the lights please.

Dave :p
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

"You don?t have to go home but you can?t stay here.
Last one out, shut off the lights please."

I been thrown out of better bars ooops :eek:

At least now that this is over i can report back to work :D
Would it be ok if instead of turning the light switch off ,if i just flip the SA breaker off
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

Mornin George, got my coffee, took a look at your unrelated link, didn't read any of it, sept for what it's about, have one of my own ya know, not finished though, it's in a notepad file, haven't decided on one item yet, don't know if I should start another thread or stick it in yours, and I knew you were gonna do that too, but I didn't care, you can be first if you want, it doesn't matter who's first u-no, except for Dave's list of contributing authors, I wish I was the first guy to post now, gumdrops, need more coffee.
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

GO AHEAD AND CALL THE COPS.I have a get out of jail free card and i know the sheriff.And just for that im turning every light in the house on. :p
Loading my 38 in case this turns into a shoot out

[ April 03, 2005, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

Nice picture, JW. You want to see me draw a swan? It would be almost as relevant. :D

Just kidding. Sort of. :D

Want a gumdrop?
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

I thought that feature was turned off for JW.

Just kidding JW. :D
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

I took a look at it macmikeman, at first it wasn't very interesting but when I got about half way through it it started to look pretty good. I'm too tired to read the rest tonight but I might get into the act tommorow.
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

Hey, JW, I just noticed they could have done that switched receptacle different. :D
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

I see a goof in that drawing.Look close at the igniter outlet,it is at the end of the gfi circuit.You now need gfci receptacles at every outlet in that string or your igniter will be gfci protected, which is not good idea.
And i see that they put a 15 amp receptacle right where my toaster and coffe maker go .My lamp is on other side of room.
Anyone else see why this is a bad design ?
Is that a recess can i see on the SA in kitchen

[ April 04, 2005, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]
Re: Switched Din. Rm. Outlet?

Since bullets are flying,this is definitely my last post on this subject.If we go back to 210.11, we have to allow 3VA per sq. ft. for our dining room and we have to provide adequate general lighting circuits to serve the load. Therefore, we should already have a general lighting circuit serving the dining lighting, whether its a chandilier, a box, a rect, or a light in the china cabinet. The SA circuits are in addition to the general lighting circuits and there is no reason for putting lights on them.That's why they're called appliance circuits.
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