Agreed. I could care less what colors are used, although it is nice to have grounding/earth and grounded/neutral identified.
I believe the NEC had a similar screw up with grey being a hot/live conductor at one point in the past and now it is used as a neutral color.
My wife thinks all live/ungrounded conductors should be hot pink.![]()
On wives, mine likes to cook and sew. Being as we live in the UK and she is from GA, I often get called upon to do the measurement conversions - for both the cooking and sewing. No problem.
But she will also ask me about suitable spices, sauces, patterns for the little girls' dresses or curtains at which point I glaze over and my usual response is "What colour wire?"
She knows what I mean. And I love the southern belle to bits.
On pink wire.
We did have a project once where pink wire was specified. Not for the equipment itself. Just for any temporary connections that had to be made for the witness test in our works. The intention was to make them immediately obvious as not part of the permanent wiring. The job itself was not technically very challenging. But the specifications were just OTT. The customer came into my office after the order had been placed and he dumped a big box on my desk. The sort of box that we get with 5,000 sheets of printer paper. It was full to bulging and it had more files taped to the outside........
Not all UK projects are like that. It was for the nuclear industry but telling us was size and type font we had to use for manuals.....there was even a who page instructing us how and where to use commas.....