Well, here in Michigan, the 'AHJ' is the State of Michigan, not the inspectors, or the company they work for (we have hired guns in our area) or the city or the county they work for. If we disagree with what an inspector says, we do have recourse and the method of getting it is part of our code upgrade classes, plus the inspectors are also very up front about our right to challenge their rulings.
I think the system we have works well to eliminate dictatorship, shirt pocket rules and ego problems on the part of the inspectors. I have never dealt with an inspector here that I have had a problem with, including a very strict one that let me use a torch to heat up PVC once I proved to him I could do it. This guy was very strict and called a 'Code Nazi' by some due to his hard nosed rulings. When I showed him how I heated up the PVC, and the care I took not to scorch it, and it came out fine, he had no problem. He also knew that it was very time consuming and if I had a better way to heat up pipe, I would have done it. I also know that he would have gigged us if I didn't prove to him that I could use a torch and not damage the conduit. It was small stuff, so easy for me, but time consuming. I think on that particular job I did 2 or 3 bends using my trusty propane torch as a heat source.