There are five subparts to subpart (B) of 314.16. Four of these subparts are very careful to point out that the subject matter of that subsection is to be inside the box in order to be included in the calculation.
Subpart (4) makes no mention of the requirement to be inside the box in order for it to be included in the calculation. There must be a reason for this.
Must there be a reason, or is that just how the proposal was sent in back in the day?
If I read it in the way that you want me too all the device yokes and straps in the entire world count against box fill as part (4) makes no mention of the yokes or straps being 'in' or 'on' or 'connected to' or even 'in the same building' as the box we are calculating for.
Obviously that is not the intent of that section.
If you believe that is the intent of the section than I don't know what to say.
If your entire point has been that the wording could be better than just say so clearly without trying to be clever.
It has also been said that subpart (4) is addressing only devices that are manufactured with the mounting yoke or strap as part of the device.
This subpart has a conjunction at the end of the first sentence that conjoins the statement expressed by others to the second half, “or equipment supported by that yoke or strap.”
I posted a picture of a despard strap, it is designed to support equipment inside the box that would actually reduce the volume of the box. IMO that is the type of strap the code section refers to. It defies common sense to say that a fixture strap external to the box supporting a fixture outside the box reduces box volume.
In the picture above it is clear that the fixture is going to be supported by that strap. Luminaries are found in the definition of equipment in Article 100.
IMO the NEC does not require volume reductions for equipment external to the box.
Is it your belief that the NEC expects us to reduce the box volume for equipment external to the box or are you just pointing out a wording issue?
I am asking for a direct and concise answer to the above question. I don't think that is to much to expect.
Now the argument comes that the canopy for the light has enough room to accommodate the extra fill of the box. Using this argument then places the strap right in the middle of the box negating any argument that the strap is outside although.
But you say we can't count the canopy volume so obviously the strap does not count.
I can find no requirement that it is required to be inside in order to be included in the calculation.
Using that logic, a blank plate should also reduce box volume just as the fixture bar should.
Seems that some are trying to talk from both sides of their face on this matter.
Seems that applies all around. :roll: